Inversion of multimode dispersion curves of surface wave
The forwarding program is from disba, which is a computationally efficient Python library for the modeling of surface wave dispersion that implements a subset of codes from Computer Programs in Seismology (CPS) in Python compiled just-in-time with numba.
The optimization part is based on python pacakge scipy.optimize
where the gradient is implemented in C++[1], and converted into the library
that can be imported by python with the help of pybind11.
There are two circumstances: with sudo permission and without sudo permission. The prior is typically for PC, and the latter is usually for clusters.
Install git, eigen3 and cmake through the package manager according to the system, e.g. apt-get, homebrew, pacman.
Make sure your c++ compiler support c++14
Install python packages
- Install miniconda
> wget > bash ./ > source .bashrc
- Create environment
> conda create -n disba python=3.8 > conda activate disba > conda install numpy scipy matplotlib pyyaml mpi4py pandas tqdm > pip install disba mpi_master_slave
- Install miniconda
We use spack to install required softwares and libraries, which is a package manager for supercomputers, Linux, and macOS.
Install spack
> git clone > echo ". spack/share/spack/" >> .bashrc > source ~/.bashrc
Install gcc of higher version
> spack info gcc > spack install ${A_VERSION_OF_GCC} > spack location -i gcc # spack compiler find ${LOCATION_OF_GCC_NEW_VERSION} > spack compiler find $(spack location -i gcc)
${A_VERSION_OF_GCC} is a version of gcc which you can choose from the list that "spack info gcc" shows, e.g.
.${LOCATION_OF_GCC_NEW_VERSION} is seen from "spack location -i gcc", e.g.
Install eigen3, git and cmake
> spack install eigen > spack install cmake > spack install git
Manage and load package using
> spack install lmod > echo ". $(spack location -i lmod)/lmod/lmod/init/bash" >> .bashrc > source .bashrc > module avail
Load package and software
> module load ${MODULE_NAME}
${MODULE_NAME} can be found from "module avail", and we need to load gcc, cmake, git and eigen3. when I installed, the command was below:
> module load gcc-9.3.0-gcc-4.8.5-swta24m > module load cmake-3.18.4-gcc-9.3.0-nesdphq > module load git-2.29.0-gcc-9.3.0-y4b63yo > module load eigen-3.3.8-gcc-9.3.0-txefvoy
You can add these module load command to your .bashrc.
Install python package (the same procedure as above)
Install problems
- tar (child): lbzip2: cannot exec: no such file or directory
> spack install bzip2 > export PATH=$(spack location -i bzip2):$PATH
- Error: COmmandNotFoundError: spack requires 'patch'
> spack install patch > export PATH=$(spack location -i patch):$PATH
After installing requirements, the program is installed in the following.
> git clone
> cd DisbaTomo
> git submodule init
> git submodule update
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..
> make -j4
> cd .. # in {DisbaTomo/}
> mkdir examples
> cp -r demo/* examples/
> cd examples/regular-large
> mpirun -np 4 ../../python/
> ../../python/ 0
> mpirun -np 4 ../../python/ --num_init 20
> ../../python/ --data 0 --plot_model --plot_init
> ../../python/ --data 0 --plot_model
> ../../python/ --data 0 --plot_disp
The sensitivity is defined in [1].
> ../../python/ --data data/0.txt
> ../../python/ disp.txt
> ../../python/ model_output.txt --disp disp.txt --fmin 0.01 --fmax 0.4 --cmin 2.8 --cmax 4.5 --plot_dispersion --vmax 0.35 --mode 0 --out k0.png
> ../../python/ model_output.txt --disp disp.txt --fmin 0.01 --fmax 0.4 --cmin 2.8 --cmax 4.5 --plot_dispersion --vmax 0.35 --mode 1 --out k1.png
> ../../python/ model_output.txt --disp disp.txt --fmin 0.01 --fmax 0.4 --cmin 2.8 --cmax 4.5 --plot_dispersion --vmax 0.35 --mode 2 --out k2.png
> ../../python/ model_output.txt --disp disp.txt --fmin 0.01 --fmax 0.4 --cmin 2.8 --cmax 4.5 --plot_dispersion --vmax 0.35 --mode 3 --out k3.png
> ../../python/ -c config_forward2.yml --mode 3
> ../../python/ model_data.txt --out model_data.png
> ../../python/ disp.txt --out disp_data.png
> ../../python/
The script will output estimated models to the directory model_inv
, which name
is corresponding to the filename of data.
The estimated models are based on inverted models from different initial mdoesls
and their corresponding fitness value.
TODO: translate into English
Brocher and Gardner empirical relation have been provided, and you can add other
formula in python/
[1] Pan, L., Chen, X., Wang, J., Yang, Z., & Zhang, D. (2019). Sensitivity analysis of dispersion curves of Rayleigh waves with fundamental and higher modes. Geophysical Journal International, 216(2), 1276–1303.