
Ever sick of people looking into your windows devices when you don't want anyone to see it , well I have so this script will help you to automatically lock your pc when someone peeks in your work.

Primary LanguagePython


Ever sick of people looking into your windows devices when you don't want anyone to see it , well I have so this script will help you to automatically lock your pc when someone peeks in your work.


  1. Setup python env.
  2. Open cmd and enter this command: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Camera availability to create dataset and final recognition.

How to run?

  1. First run create_face_datasets.py .This will create dataset folder where it will capture your image in greyscale
  2. Now, run training_model.py to train your model using dataset which were previously created
  3. Run the lock_unlock_face_recognition.py


Keep all the files in one folder.
