
A CLI plugin for Multi-Target Application (MTA) operations in Cloud Foundry

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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MultiApps CF CLI Plugin Build Status

This is a Cloud Foundry CLI plugin (formerly known as CF MTA Plugin) for performing operations on multi-target applications (MTAs) in Cloud Foundry, such as deploying, removing, viewing, etc. It is a client for the CF MultiApps Controller (formerly known as CF MTA deploy-service), which is an MTA deployer implementation for Cloud Foundry.


  • Installed CloudFoundry CLI - ensure that CloudFoundry CLI is installed and working. For more information about installation of CloudFoundry CLI, please visit the official CloudFoundry documentation.
  • Working CF MultiApps Controller - this a CF plugin for the MultiApps Controller application. Thus, a working MultiApps Controller must be available on the CF landscape

Download and Installation

🚨 Check whether you have a previous version installed, using the command: cf plugins. If the MtaPlugin is already installed, you need to uninstall it first and then to install the new version. You can uninstall the plugin using command cf uninstall-plugin MtaPlugin.

CF Community Plugin Repository

The MultiApps CF CLI Plugin is now also available on the CF Community Repository. To install the latest available version of the MultiApps CLI Plugin execute the following:

cf install-plugin multiapps

If you do not have the community repository in your CF CLI you can add it first by executing:

cf add-plugin-repo CF-Community https://plugins.cloudfoundry.org

Manual Installation

Alternatively you can install any version of the plugin by manually downloading it from the releases page and installing the binaries for your specific operating system.


The latest version of the plugin can also be downloaded from the project's releases. Download the plugin for your platform (Darwin, Linux, Windows). The name for the correct plugin for each platform can be found in the table below.

Mac OS X 64 bit Windows 32 bit Windows 64 bit Linux 32 bit Linux 64 bit
multiapps-plugin.osx multiapps-plugin.win32 multiapps-plugin.win64 multiapps-plugin.linux32 multiapps-plugin.linux64


Install the plugin, using the following command:

cf install-plugin <path-to-the-plugin> -f

🚨 Note: if you are running on an Unix-based system, you need to make the plugin executable before installing it. In order to achieve this, execute the following commad chmod +x <path-to-the-plugin>


The MultiApps CF plugin supports the following commands:

Command Name Command Description
deploy Deploy a new multi-target app or sync changes to an existing one
undeploy Undeploy (remove) a multi-target app
mtas List all multi-target apps
mta Display health and status for a multi-target app
mta-ops List active multi-target app operations
download-mta-op-logs / dmol Download logs of multi-target app operation
bg-deploy Deploy a multi-target app using blue-green deployment
purge-mta-config Purge stale configuration entries

For more information, see the command help output available via cf [command] --help or cf help [command].

Here is an example deployment of the open-sourced spring-music:

git clone https://github.com/nvvalchev/spring-music.git
cf deploy mta-assembly/spring-music.mtar -e config.mtaext


The configuration of the MultiApps CF plugin is done via env variables. The following are supported:

  • DEBUG=1 - Enables the logging of HTTP requests in STDOUT and STDERRR.
  • DEPLOY_SERVICE_URL=<URL> - By default, the plugin attempts to deduce the multiapps-controller URL based on the available shared domains. In case of issues, or if you want to target a non-default multiapps-controller instance, you can configure the targeted URL via this env variable.
  • CHUNK_SIZE_IN_MB=<POSITIVE_INTEGER> - By default, large MTARs are not uploaded as a single unit, but are split up into smaller chunks of 45 MBs that are uploaded separately. The goal is to prevent failed uploads due to gorouter's request timeout. In case the default chunk size is still too large, you can configure it via this environment variable.

How to contribute


Cloning the repository

To clone the project in your Go workspace $GOPATH/src/github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/multiapps-cli-plugin execute the following commands:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator
git clone git@github.com:cloudfoundry-incubator/multiapps-cli-plugin.git

Building new release version

You can automatically build new release for all supported platforms by calling the build.sh script with the version of the build. The version will be automatically included in the plugin, so it will be reported by cf plugins.

🚨 Note that the version parameter should follow the semver format (e.g. 1.2.3).

./build.sh 1.2.3

This will produce mta_plugin_linux_amd64, mta_plugin_darwin_amd64 and mta_plugin_windows_amd64 in the repo's root directory.

Adding dependency into the multiapps-cli-plugin

If you want to add a dependecy which to be used later on during the build and development process, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you have godep installed(try to run godep version). If you do not have it, run the command: go get github.com/tools/godep. !!!IMPORTANT!!! Make sure that you are running on latest version of GO and godep!!!
  2. Get the dependency by executing the command: go get github.com/<package-full-name> . If you want to update it use the -u option.
  3. Use the dependecy into your code(just import and use)
  4. Make sure that the dependency is not in the Godeps/Godeps.json file(if it is, delete the entry related to it). Godeps.json file is holding information about all the dependencies which are used in the project.
  5. Run godep save ./... - this will add all the newly used dependecies into the Godeps/Godeps.json and into the vendor/ folder.

For more information about the godep tool, please refer to: godep

Further reading

Presentations, documents, and tutorials:


This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.