The Writing Fool

The Writing Fool is a writing style transfer creativity supporting tool.

How to Run it

To run the Writing Fool web application:

  • Install the style27 anaconda environment using the environment.yml file provided in the root directory.
  • Add your Tensorflow model checkpoints of both predictive and style transfer text in a data folder under the root directory. For exact folder structure needed for this directory, please see the model related lines in Also add a preprocessing object of your preprocessed text, and the word embedding used by the model in the same data directory.
  • Choose which author's style you which to enable by commenting/uncommenting out the necessary model learning code in Current Writing Fool does not support showing multiple author's style at the same time.
  • With Flask installed and the style27 environment turned on, run python command in terminal.
  • On the default setting you should be able to go to to use/see the tool

To run the sentence completion tool:

  • First, train your model via the Language-RNN notebook in model, it'll save its models in the model/tmp directory
  • Then update with the name of the model you want to use.
  • Install Flask, then run python
  • On default setting, you need to send POST requests to with a form body with the 'text' attribute set to the sentence you wish to complete and get a completed sentence in return.