Editor Command Meaning:

Using C++ On Linux, run the command:

ed <input.txt

The output obtained should be the same as the out.txt file You must write an editor program that if we run it:

a.out <input.txt

We will get the same output as the out.txt file


prints line number of current line followed by TAB followed by current line


prints all lines (ed maintains a current line)


makes line #number the current line a appends new text after the current line

number1 ,number2 j

Connect row number1 and row number2 to one row. The current row is number1 , the number of rows in a small file is 1.


inserts new text before the current line


changes the current line for text that follows


deletes the current line


searches forward after current line for the specified text


searches backward


replaces old string with new in current line (google: C++ split or token)


Quits the editor without saving