
Godot Game Engine Custom Mobile Template

MIT LicenseMIT



This repository has been discontinued. Starting from Godot version 3.2 you should use the new plugin system, that does not need the engine recompilation.

Godot Custom Mobile Template

I'll make available here the compiled Android templates with the modules I use on my Godot Game Engine projects, which are:

My intention is to only make available the templates of the stable Godot versions.

If this project is helpful to you, please consider making a donation ;)

How to Use

  • Download the zip file on the releases tab;
  • extract the files on your file system;
  • on the Android Export options, point the "Custom Package" to these files (debug and release versions) Export Screenshot
  • for further information about each module feature, please check the respective repository documentation;
  • profit!

iOS Templates

You can find precompiled templates for iOS on this repository.