
Backend of a mobile application (Bin There) which provides pickup of household waste, collection of recyclable waste and report of garbage/waste.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Documentation of Bin-There API

Users API

Users Model

  • schema example:
 "name": "username",
 "email": "user@gmail.com",
 "address": {
   "flatNo": "1",
   "city": "Ranchi",
   "state": "Jharkhand",
   "lon": "39.2",
   "street": "HEC"


Desc: Register Users

Route: /users/signup

Method: POST



Response: successfull or not

Desc: Verify user email

Route: /users/verifyotp

Method: POST



Response: verified or not if verified then the user is created

Desc: Login User

Route: /users/signin

Method: POST



Response: user data with token

Desc: updating the fields of a user like address

Route: /users/update

Method: PATCH

Body: any field to update


Response: updated users data

Desc: Getting the details of the user

Route: /users/user

Method: GET

Response: user data

Desc: Getting timeslots for the specific user via pincode mapping

Route: /users/timeslots

Method: GET

Response: agent data

Agents API

Agents Model

  • schema example:
 "name": "username",
 "email": "user@gmail.com",
 "mobileNo": "9876543210",
 "pickupPoints": "834004",
 "timeslots": ["6a.m. - 8a.m.", "6p.m. - 8p.m."],
 "address": {
   "flatNo": "1",
   "city": "Ranchi",
   "state": "Jharkhand",
   "lon": "39.2",
   "street": "HEC"


Desc: Register Agents

Route: /agents/signup

Method: POST



Response: successfull or not

Desc: Verify email

Route: /agents/verifyotp

Method: POST



Response: verified or not if verified then the agent is created

Desc: Login

Route: /agents/signin

Method: POST



Response: agent data with token

Desc: updating the fields of Agents like address, pickup points, and others

Route: /agents/update

Method: PATCH

Body: any field to update


Response: updated agent data

Pickups API

Pickup Model

  • schema example:
    "user": "userRef",
    "timeslot": "6a.m. - 8a.m.",
    "agent": "agentRef",
    "status": "pending || approved || rejected",


Desc: Create Pickup

Route: /pickups/

Method: POST


    "timeslot":"6a.m. - 8a.m.",


    "pickup": {
        "user": "6414c41d6868a24882d71744",
        "timeslot": "6a.m. - 8a.m.",
        "agent": "6414c9fc500eb9c9a72a5358",
        "status": "pending",
        "_id": "6414db775c5a023e000d2a95",
        "createdAt": "2023-03-17T21:28:23.617Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-03-17T21:28:23.617Z",
        "__v": 0

Desc: Update Pickup

Route: /pickups/update/pickupId

Method: PATCH




    "pickup": {
        "_id": "6414db775c5a023e000d2a95",
        "user": "6414c41d6868a24882d71744",
        "timeslot": "7a.m.-9a.m.",
        "agent": "6414c9fc500eb9c9a72a5358",
        "status": "approved",
        "createdAt": "2023-03-17T21:28:23.617Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-03-17T21:33:49.782Z",
        "__v": 0

Reports API

Reports Model

  • schema example:
   "user": "userRef",
   "description": "test2",
   "image": {
       "url": "https://res.cloudinary.com/drwsrzau7/image/upload/v1679093070/jvmgnomadw7dv36nzpod.png",
       "public_id": "jvmgnomadw7dv36nzpod"
   "lat": "84.1",
   "lon": "73.13",


Desc: Create Report

Route: /reports/

Method: POST


    "image":"image file"


    "user": "6414c41d6868a24882d71744",
    "description": "test2",
    "image": {
        "url": "https://res.cloudinary.com/drwsrzau7/image/upload/v1679093070/jvmgnomadw7dv36nzpod.png",
        "public_id": "jvmgnomadw7dv36nzpod"
    "lat": "84.1",
    "lon": "73.13"

Desc: Get all reports

Route: /reports/

Method: GET

Response: array of all reports

Desc: Get Report by Report Id

Route: /reports/reportid

Method: GET

Response: get the report data

Desc: Get all reports of an user

Route: /reports/user/userid

Method: GET

Response: array of all reports of the user

Desc: Getting the details of the user

Route: /users/user

Method: GET

Response: user data

Desc: Update a Report except image

Route: /reports/reportid

Method: PATCH

Response: updated report

Desc: Delete a report

Route: /reports/reportid

Method: DELETE

Response: delete the report