
Pytorch Implementation of Sentence Classification Model Using Convolution Neural Networks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Shindong Lee

Korea University


This is Pytorch implementation of the paper "Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification" by Kim Yoon


Accuracy on MR dataset (%)

This Implementation Kim's Paper
CNN-rand 79.8 76.1
CNN-static 82.1 81.0
CNN-non-static 81.3 81.5
CNN-multichannel 81.3 81.1

This Implementation is compatible with both CPU and GPU

With GPU RTX 2080ti,

Time for preprocessing < 1 minute
Time for training 1 epoch < 1 second
Time for validation < 1 second


"Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification" by Kim Yoon
(paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1408.5882.pdf)
(original implementation by Kim Yoon with Theano: https://github.com/yoonkim/CNN_sentence)

Movie Reivew Dataset: (It's already inside the repo)

Difference From Paper

Paper used Adadelta, but I used Adam Optimizer

How to Run

  1. download GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin from (https://github.com/mmihaltz/word2vec-GoogleNews-vectors)
    or from (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7XkCwpI5KDYNlNUTTlSS21pQmM/edit)

  2. unzip and save it into "pretrained" directory

  3. run following code

$ python train.py --model [model] --num_epochs [num_epochs] --learning_rate [learning_rate] --mini_batch_size [mini_batch_size]


$ python train.py --model CNN-rand --num_epochs 50 --learning_rate 0.0001 --mini_batch_size 50

or simply,

$ python train.py --model CNN-rand

model should be one of [CNN-rand, CNN-static, CNN-non-static, CNN-multichannel]

If you want to resample test set from MR dataset, just remove 4 files [ train_data_pos.txt, train_data_neg.txt, test_data_pos.txt, test_data_neg.txt ] and run the code.