
Python spider to collect food detail from taobao

Primary LanguagePython


Python spider to collect food detail from taobao

Using Python , selenium

problem occurs 1 add chrome installment env path to system env variables 2 download chrome webdriver.exe and put it under chrome installment env path

python format note: initail methond should have double '_' , if name == 'main':

example :

{'shop': '自鱿人旗舰店', 'title': '自鱿人香脆鱼皮50G*3盒干海鲜零食即食 美食 海产品满包邮', 'deal': '12', 'price': '¥ 26.80', 'location': '广东 广州', 'image': '//g-search1.alicdn.com/img/bao/uploaded/i4/imgextra/i4/122173242/TB2WCr0XYH9F1JjSZFBXXc9ZFXa_!!0-saturn_solar.jpg_180x180.jpg'}