
Seamlessly navigate between pages.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

[Shinka] AJAX Paging

Replaces pagination links with AJAX calls.


  • Download the latest stable release
  • Extract the zip
  • Copy the contents of the upload folder to the root of your Xenforo installation
  • Install and activate the add-on in your Admin CP


  • Changing pages (e.g. inside a thread) no longer reloads the page


Tip Jar



  • Clone or fork the repository
  • Create a symbolic link for the AjaxPaging folder in your XF2 installation to the one in the repository directory, e.g.
> mklink /D "C:/Fake User/My Site/src/addons/Shinka/AjaxPaging" "C:/Fake User/Dev/xf2_ajax_paging/upload/src/addons/Shinka/AjaxPaging"

Import development output by executing

> php cmd.php xf-dev:import --addon Shinka/AjaxPaging

Build for Release

> php cmd.php xf-addon:bump-version Shinka/AjaxPaging --version-id [version_id] --version-string [version_string]
> php cmd.php xf-addon:build-release Shinka/AjaxPaging


  • Uses a custom XF handler that pigeons code and logic from XFAjaxSubmit
  • My JavaScript is terrible, don't emulate me