
Cracking the coding interview problems


Cracking the coding interview problems

Getting started

From the command line, clone the repo to your machine using git clone https://github.com/TGA-Grad-School/CTCI-Problems

Open the folder of the chapter you wish to work on. Each chapter contains a number of coding problems saved in plain text files. I did this so that everyone can use whatever language they like.


In order to stay motivated, feel free to upload your solutions. It'll also give us a chance to get that github commit history in order. I know mine is pretty sad at the moment.

To submit your work:

  1. Create your own branch with your name. Ex: git checkout -b Darryl

  2. Solve the problem, and commit to your branch. Whatever language you use, be sure to only commit the file containing your code in the same folder with the same name as the original plain text file. Ex: Q1_1_IsUnique.js

  3. Let's discuss the solutions together. If you want to check your own work, check out the solutions in any language.


Please contribute by adding the rest of the chapter questions. I basically just used the book pdf to copy and paste. This is from the 6th edition. It can be found in our book exchange folder on slack.

Be sure to follow the format that is in place:

Folder format: Ch_##_"Chapter_Name"

File format: Q##"ProblemName"

Don't hesitate to add whatever you feel neccessary that can be beneficial to everyone.