1.	Development Environment: Ensure you have a development environment capable of building and running WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) applications. (Visual Studio or another compatible IDE)
2.	Dependencies: The Recipe Application uses LiveCharts for visualization. Make sure you have installed the LiveCharts.Wpf NuGet package.

Steps to Compile and Run

1. Clone the Repository 

2. Open the Solution in Visual Studio
•	Launch Visual Studio.
•	Go to File > Open > Project/Solution....
•	Navigate to the directory where you cloned the repository.
•	Select the solution file (WpfApp1.sln) and click Open.

3. Restore NuGet Packages
•	In Visual Studio, right-click on the solution in the Solution Explorer.
•	Select Restore NuGet Packages to ensure all necessary packages are downloaded and installed.

4. Set the Startup Project
•	In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the project named WpfApp1.
•	Select Set as StartUp Project.

5. Build the Solution
•	Go to Build > Build Solution (or simply press Ctrl + Shift + B) to compile the entire solution.

6. Run the Application
•	Ensure the MainWindow.xaml is set as the startup page
•	Press F5 or go to Debug > Start Debugging to run the application.
•	The main window of the Recipe Application should appear, ready for use.

Using the Application
•	Follow the instructions provided in the User Manual for using the various features of the Recipe Application.
•	Ensure you interact with the application as intended to add recipes, view recipes, select recipes for menu creation, and generate visualizations.

•	Missing Dependencies: If you encounter errors related to missing assemblies or NuGet packages, ensure all dependencies are correctly installed and referenced.

Following these steps should enable you to compile, run, and use the Recipe Application successfully on your development environment.