
Exploring a versatile assortment of questions and challenges in this GitHub repository, covering a spectrum from basic to advanced topics. The collection comprises mathematical operators, strings, conditional and iterative statements, Lists, Tuple, Pandas, and more. Dive in folks.


Welcome to the Python Repository!

This repository is a compilation of Python exercises, spanning a spectrum of topics from fundamental to advanced concepts.

This GitHub repository is a diverse collection of questions and challenges, ranging from basic to advanced, based on mathematical operators, strings, conditional and iterative statements statements(If-else-elif), Lists, Tuple, Pandas, etc. Dive into this rich collection of Python assignments curated to sharpen the coding skills and deepen understanding of the language.

Python Exercises and Topics Covered

  1. Python Basics:

    • Covers the basics of Python including mathematical operators, strings, conditional and iterative statements.
    • Folder name: Python-Basics
  2. List and Tuple in python:

    • Python programs based on List data structure and examples demonstrating the usage and functionalities of list in Python.
    • Python programs focused on understanding and working with tuples in Python. It clears the concept and applications of tuples in Python using the given examples.
    • Folder name: Python-List-Tuple
  3. IF statements in Python:

    • A range of questions and challenges that focus on IF statements.
    • It covers various aspects of IF statements in Python from basic concepts to more complex conditional logics.
    • Folder name: Python-If-Statements
  4. Pandas in Python:

    • A diverse collection of questions and challenges, ranging from basic to advanced, based on Pandas.
    • Helps in problem-solving skills in data analysis, data cleaning, data transformation, and more.
    • Folder name: Python-Pandas

How to use:

  • Clone this repository onto your local machine.
  • Access the python file (.ipynb or .html) linked to the desired exercises.
  • Engage with the understanding of the language and improve your coding skills.

Please share feedback and collaborate on Projects.

🚀📊 May your code flow effortlessly, Enjoy coding!