
FortniteReplayReader Nuget Chat Build Documentation Status

C# parser for your Fortnite replays.

Getting Started

.NET 8.0 or .NET 9.0 is required.

dotnet add package FortniteReplayReader
var replayFile = "your-amazing-fortnite.replay";
var reader = new ReplayReader();
var replay = reader.ReadReplay(replayFile);


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Special thanks

Special thanks to Kuinox for the collaboration to figure out the compression and structure of the replay file.

Special thanks to ApertureC for the collaboration to figure out the UE4 network packets.

Special thanks to AlpaGit for seeing the bits I did not see.

Special thanks to SL-x-TnT for his amazing work on the NetFieldParser (among other things).

Special thanks to SL-x-TnT because he deserves to be mentioned twice.


Licensed under the MIT License.