
Vue+Django REST framework Project

MIT LicenseMIT


Vue+Django REST framework Project

Vue - Frontend

  • API Interface
  • Vue components
  • Structure

Django rest framework (Core)

  • Restful API development
    • ApiView - API
    • GenericView - API Interface
    • Viewset & Router - API & url configs
    • Django_filter, SearchFilter, OrderFilter, Paging
    • Mixins(General)
  • Permissions & Authentication
    • Authentication config for users
    • Dynamic permission, Authentication
    • Validators for Strings' validation
  • Serialization & Form Validation
    • Serializer
    • ModelSerializer
    • Dynamic serializer
  • Payment, Login, Register
    • json web token -- Login
    • Registeration via Mobile
    • Alipay
    • Third-party Login
  • Advanced Developemnt
    • Django rest framework Core Souce Code Review
    • Documentation - Automatic management
    • Cache for Django rest framework
    • Throttling for limited speed for Users/IPs

xadmin - backend admin system

Common issues

  • Bugs which cannot be refound in localhost
  • Bugs in API Interface -- Hard to locate
  • API Documentation Management Issues
  • Large amount of urls -- Hard to maintain
  • Did not update the doc immediately -- Trouble for testing APIs
  • Anti-Crawler -- Limitation for API's visiting frequency: 1min/1h/1d
  • Cache for API speeding -- Categories for products(slight shift)

Solutions to common issues

  • PyCharm - debugging for remote server
    • Payment
    • Third-party login
    • Recur bugs in the remote server on local machine
  • Docker -- Build sentry for surveillance of error's logging
    • Tech stack - Bugs
    • Email Notification -- Timely
  • Django rest framework -- automatic management
    • url - registeration management
    • time-saving for documentation
    • Built-in testing interface in documentation
    • Auto-generated JS Interface Script
    • Shell Script for Testing
    • Python Script for Testing
  • Django rest framework -- Throttle
    • Limitation for APIs' Visiting frequency
  • Third-party Framework
    • Cache issues - Speed up

Advanced Django

  • Django migrations - Principles
  • Django Signal
  • Whole process -- request - response
  • Model for independent use

Vue Basics

  • Tech Stack Analysis
    • pros & cons
  • APIs' data to be filled in Vue components
  • Code review for Vue's Structure


  • Chapter 1 & 2: Environemnts for dev
  • Chapter 3: Database Design & Raw Data Insertion
  • Chapter 4: restful API basics & Intro for Vue project
  • Chapter 5: Products' forms
  • Chapter 6: Products' categories' View
  • Chapter 7: Mobile Register & Login
  • Chapter 8: Product's detail' View & Favoriates' View
  • Chapter 9: User center View
  • Chapter 10: Shopping cart & Orders & Alipay Views
  • Chapter 11: Home & Stock & Cache & Speed limitation
  • Chapter 12: Third-party login: QQ, Weibo, WeChat
  • Chapter 13: Sentry system for errors' surveillance


  • Django Basics
  • Python
  • Vue Basics
  • MySQL