Graph Project

This project implements a Graph class for representing and manipulating graphs using an adjacency matrix. The class supports various arithmetic operations, comparison operators, increment/decrement operators, and scalar multiplication on graphs.

Graph Class

The Graph class provides the following functionality:


  • Default constructor: Creates an empty graph.
  • Constructor from adjacency matrix: Creates a graph from a given adjacency matrix.
  • Copy constructor: Creates a deep copy of an existing graph.

Member Functions

  • loadGraph(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& matrix): Loads a graph from an adjacency matrix.
  • printGraph(): Prints the graph information (number of vertices and edges).
  • getnumvertices(): Returns the number of vertices in the graph.
  • getedgecount(): Returns the number of edges in the graph.
  • getadjacencymatrix(std::size_t i, std::size_t j): Returns the value of the adjacency matrix at the given indices.

Arithmetic Operators

  • operator+, operator+=: Addition and compound addition of graphs.
  • operator-, operator-=: Subtraction and compound subtraction of graphs.
  • operator*, operator*=: Multiplication and compound multiplication of graphs by a scalar.
  • operator/=: Division of a graph by a scalar.
  • operator*: Multiplication of two graphs (matrix multiplication).
  • operator+(): Unary plus operator.
  • operator-(): Negation operator.

Comparison Operators

  • operator==, operator!=: Equality and inequality operators for graphs.
  • operator<, operator<=, operator>, operator>=: Relational operators for comparing graphs based on size and edge count.

Increment/Decrement Operators

  • operator++, operator--: Pre-increment and pre-decrement operators for graphs.
  • operator++, operator--: Post-increment and post-decrement operators for graphs.

Output Operator

  • operator<<: Overloaded output stream operator for printing graph information.


To use the Graph class, include the Graph.hpp header file in your project. You can create, manipulate, and perform operations on graphs using the provided member functions and overloaded operators.