
Discord Bot for Developers and Enginners

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Discord Bot for Developers and Enginners

Developing (Old)

  1. Make sure you have a Python version of 3.8 or higher

Since this project is being developed using pipenv, we strongly recommend the introduction of pipenv.

pipenv install

# or

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Initialize the database.

Please make sure that Mysql 8.0 is installed.

cd db
mv alembic.dev.ini alembic.ini
mysql -p

Fill line 38 on alembic.ini.

sqlalchemy.url = mysql+pymysql://<username>:<password>@<host>/rinko
# Migrate
PYTHONPATH=. alembic revision --autogenerate
PYTHONPATH=. alembic upgrade head
  1. Create a Bot from the Discord Developer Portal and generate an OAuth2 URL to introduce a Bot with "administrator" privileges.

Such as https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&permissions=8&scope=bot

  1. Get an access token to Bot.

Such as d2rRfO7iFkCIcAAfWW454VGf.w7IcX1WkRUT34ka7jpJK5TRXoLKLmZv0dC

  1. Create config.ini on project root. And write as follows.
bot_token=<your bot token>
mysql_user=<mysql user name>
mysql_passwd=<mysql password>
oauth2_url=<oauth2 url>
owner_id=<your User ID or 334017809090740224>
  1. Pull docker images
docker pull python:3.8
docker pull theoldmoon0602/shellgeibot:20200430
docker pull golang:1.14
docker pull ruby:2.7.1
docker pull rust:1.43.0
docker pull php:7.4
docker pull node:14.0
docker pull haskell:8.8.3
docker pull openjdk:14
docker pull gcc:9.2
# etc ...
  1. Run
python -m rinko config.ini
  1. Enjoy!


  • Python3.8+
  • MySQL8.0
  • v1.0.0 discord.py
  • pipenv
  • Docker 19.03