ERC721 Token Smart Contract for the Ethereum Blockchain

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Contract Bonded Collateralized Stake (CBCS Token)

ERC721 Token Smart Contract for the Ethereum Blockchain for educational purposes.

Deploying the contract


$ truffle version
Truffle v4.1.3 (core: 4.1.3)
$ ganache-cli --version
Ganache CLI v6.1.0 (ganache-core: 2.1.0)


Compile the contracts

truffle compile

Modify truffle.js to configure the network that you are deploying to. (Uses development network pointing at localhost:8545 by default)

module.exports = {
    networks: {
        development: {
          host: "localhost",
          port: 8545,
          network_id: "*" // Match any network id

Launch a test environment (if necessary).

ganache-cli gas=0xFFFFFFFF

Migrate the contract

truffle migrate --network <chosen_network_name>

There should be output which provides the address of the deployed contract. We will need this to interact with it directly.

Interacting with the contract


$ geth version
Version: 1.7.3-stable


The contract has a function called receiveNewToken() which receives any amount of Ether for an exchange to a new CBCS token.

Using geth to interact with it, we require the deployed contract address supplied after deployment and the abi part of the compiled json output found in build/contracts/CBCSToken.json.

To mint new coins to an address:

$ geth attach <hosted_node>
> var CBCSContractAddress = <deployed_address>

> var CBCSContractABI = <ABI>

> var CBCSContract = eth.contract(CBCSContractABI)

> var CBCS = CBCSContract.at(CBCSContractAddress)

> CBCS.name()
"Contract Bonded Collateralized Stake Token"

> CBCS.symbol()

> CBCS.totalSupply()

> var txObj = { from: <account_supplying_eth>, value: <any_amount_of_eth>, gas: 500000 }

> CBCS.receiveNewToken()

> CBCS.totalSupply()

The account address supplying the Ether should now be the owner of a unique CBCS Token. Verify with:

> CBCS.tokensOf(<account_address>)

Should return an array of all the token IDs owned by the provided address.

Token IDs start at 0 and iterate upwards with unique values. If a token is burnt, it no longer exists and can be minted again.