The Ion Interoperability Protocol provides mechanisms to perform atomic swaps and currency transfers across multiple turing-complete blockchains.
Ion consists of 3 core smart contracts:
- IonLock: Escrow contract where funds are deposited to and withdrawn from
- IonLink: Maintains state of counter-blockchain and verifies withdrawals with merkle proofs
- ERC223 Token: A placeholder ERC223 Token to perform exchanges with.
A tool called Lithium is an event relay used to facilitate to communication between the chains. Lithium forwards IonLock
deposit events to the opposite chain's IonLink
as a state update to inform of a party's escrowing of funds.
Check out the Wiki for more detailed explanations.
Cross-chain payment flow of two different tokens on their respective blockchains with Alice and Bob as the parties involved is as follows:
Chain A: Alice's chain Chain B: Bob's chain
- Alice Deposits to chain A IonLock
- Wait for Lithium (Event Relay) to update chain B IonLink
- Bob Deposits to chain B IonLock
- Wait for Lithium (Event Relay) to update chain A IonLink
- Alice withdraws from chain B IonLock with proof of her deposit on to chain A IonLock
- Bob withdraws from chain A IonLock with proof of his deposit on to chain B IonLock
- Both parties successfully withdraw and atomic swap is complete.
Note that withdrawing is blocked for both chains until funds are deposited into the escrow of the opposite chain.
Currently notable flaws in the design:
- All funds deposited must be withdrawn at once
- The number of tokens deposited must also equal the funds attempting to be withdrawn i.e. 1:1 exchange
- Payment references are currently redundant as proofs submitted to verify a withdrawal are only used to prove that the party has deposited on the other chain and is not used to distinguish the funds to be withdrawn as noted in the first point.
Install all the dependencies which need Node v9.0.0, NPM, and Python 2.7. Furthermore it is recommended to use a isolated Python environment with a tool such as virtualenv
$ make build
Prior to running contract tests please launch an Ethereum client. A simple way to do this is through the ganache-cli
or alternatively use the npm run testrpca
$ make test
This will run both the Javascript tests for the smart contracts and the Python tests for the Lithium RPC relay.
Additionally contributors to this project should use linting tools when making commits, for both solidity and python code.
$ make python-lint
$ make solidity-lint
To perform cross-chain payments, the contracts must be deployed on each chain.
Deploy two testrpc networks, if necessary, in separate terminals:
$ npm run testrpca
$ npm run testrpcb
Compile and deploy the contracts on to the relevant networks:
$ npm run compile
$ npm run deploya
$ npm run deployb
The following tutorial describes how to perform token transfer between two accounts on separate blockchains.
There is an example script that runs through a basic flow from start to finish that is designed to run on the testrpcs.
$ ./
This tutorial leverages Ganache and Truffle but could easily be performed on other test networks.
To perform cross-chain payments, the contracts must be deployed on each chain, which for the sake of simplicity the account and contract addresses are assumed to be the same on both chains.
It is recommended to use an isolated python environment.
Launch lithium
listener A:
$ python -mion lithium --rpc-from $IP:$PORT_A --rpc-to $IP:$PORT_B --from-account $ALICE --to-account $BOB --lock $IONLOCK --link $IONLINK --api-port $API_PORT_A
Launch lithium
listener B:
$ python -mion lithium --rpc-from $IP:$PORT_B --rpc-to $IP:$PORT_A --from-account $BOB --to-account $ALICE --lock $IONLOCK --link $IONLINK --api-port $API_PORT_B
Mint for Alice on chain A:
$ python -mion ion mint --rpc $IP_A:$PORT_A --account $ACC_A --tkn $TOKEN_ADDR --value 5000
$ Token minted.
$ New balance = 5000
Mint for Bob on chain B:
$ python -mion ion mint --rpc $IP_B:$PORT_B --account $ACC_B --tkn $TOKEN_ADDR --value 5000
$ Token minted.
$ New balance = 5000
Alice deposits to IonLock on chain A:
$ python -mion ion deposit --rpc $IP_A:$PORT_A --account $ACC_A --lock $LOCK_ADDR --tkn $TOKEN_ADDR --value 5000 --ref stuff
$ Token transferred.
$ New balance = 0
Alice finds her merkle proof on chain A:
$ python -mion ion proof --lithium-port $((PORT_A + 10)) --account $ACC_A --lock $LOCK_ADDR --tkn $TOKEN_ADDR --value 5000 --ref stuff
$ Received proof:
$ Path 0 : 96504857948636356700030147503635580074187355628971816059136194586624797022097
$ Path 1 : 94482339386605321136956967184442353585778610538212146199456190006347461027622
$ Path 2 : 4063950032426277920165979059513600522532612014504803720221874727295772434160
$ Latest IonLink block 72772631658565070356215801224320765885121569368220205553212543964032472153198
Bob deposits to IonLock on chain B:
$ python -mion ion deposit --rpc $IP_B:$PORT_B --account $ACC_B --lock $LOCK_ADDR --tkn $TOKEN_ADDR --value 5000 --ref stuff
$ Token transferred.
$ New balance = 0
Bob finds his merkle proof on chain B:
$ python -mion ion proof --lithium-port $((PORT_B + 10)) --account $ACC_B --lock $LOCK_ADDR --tkn $TOKEN_ADDR --value 5000 --ref stuff
$ Received proof:
$ Path 0 : 59798365828871537698849691593400364996559135249658580970523805101316187754033
$ Path 1 : 91398783457376278236011129913922372139721274533348447063742181262540672449047
$ Path 2 : 23390520989103446330618879673836571332049395218389607622791772153046182206533
$ Latest IonLink block 20043025639256222802481390718671994518152666652712633686609639039181086747014
Alice withdraws giving her proof and reference:
$ python -mion ion withdraw --lithium-port $((PORT_B + 10)) --rpc $IP_A:$PORT_A --account $ACC_B --lock $LOCK_ADDR --tkn $TOKEN_ADDR --value 5000 --ref stuff
$ New balance = 5000
Bob withdraws giving his proof and reference:
$ python -mion ion withdraw --lithium-port $((PORT_A + 10)) --rpc $IP_B:$PORT_B --account $ACC_A --lock $LOCK_ADDR --tkn $TOKEN_ADDR --value 5000 --ref stuff
$ New balance = 5000