#Tweet Appliction using AngularJS

###This is an application that accesses the twitter API to display tweets in realtime that have been posted about puppies from Twitter users. The

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Visit here: Tweet app

##Built with: - Html - CSS - SASS / Compass - Javascript - AngularJS

##Sample Code ###The following code is a constructor function that is used to generate the tweet information with a specific hashtag. The information is pulled from the Twitter API and displayed in a single-page application using AngularJS.

var tweets = []

function Tweet (title, userName, postContent, img, postTime){
	this.title = title;
	this.userName = userName;
	this.postContent = postContent;
	this.img = img;
	this.postTime = postTime;
	this.getTimeSince = function(theDate){

Tweet.prototype.getTimeSince = function(theDate){
		//a bunch of logic to figure the largets denominationtof time
		// var timeSince =(theDate - this.postTime) / 1000;
		// if(timeSince > secondeInAYear){
		// 	var textPost = Math.floor(timeSince/secondeInAYear);
		// }
		return (theDate - this.postTime)/1000;	

####Early stages of the app Alt text

##Future Add-ons

  • Modal that focuses on a selected tweet for an interavtive user experience.
  • Added ability for people to re-tweet a selected tweet onto their own personal twitter page.

###Please visit my personal profile to see more current projects.