#Weather Widget Appliction

###This is a Weather Widget application that allows the user to enter in a US city and the current local forecast is displayed with the temperature (Max and Min) and the current conditions.

Alt text

Visit here: Weather widget

##Built with: - Html - CSS - Javascript - jQuery - JSON - Weather API - Bootstrap

##Sample Code ###The following code uses jQuery to pull from a JSON file using a weather API.

//get the JSON from the constructed URL
			$.getJSON(url, function(weatherData){
				//set up a variable for the user's city temp
				currentTemp = weatherData.list[0].main.temp;
				currentMax = weatherData.list[0].main.temp_max;
				currentMin = weatherData.list[0].main.temp_min;
				weatherIcon = weatherData.list[0].weather[0].icon;
				weatherDescription = weatherData.list[0].weather[0].description;
				$('.maxTemp').html("<span>Max Temp</span> <br>"+currentMax + ' F');

				$('.minTemp').html("<span>Min Temp</span> <br>"+currentMin + ' F');

				$('.description').html("<span>Current Conditions</span> <br>"+weatherDescription);

				var src1 = "http://openweathermap.org/img/w/"+weatherIcon+".png";
				$('.weather-icon').attr("src", src1);


####Early stages of the widget Alt text

##Future Add-ons

  • Different images the generate for each weather category
  • Weekly forecast with highs and lows.
  • Added user interaction capibilites.

###Please visit my personal profile to see more current projects.