
web components technology track




important concepts

To understand the webcomponent well, you need know the following core concepts

html template


Custom Element


shadow DOM

Shadow DOM gives us the best features of iframes, style and markup encapsulation, without nearly as much bloat.

Shadow Host

In shadow DOM parlance, the element that you call createShadowRoot on is known as the Shadow Host. It's the only piece visible to the user, and it's where you would ask the user to supply your element with content

shadow Root

The document fragment returned by createShadowRoot is known as the Shadow Root. The shadow root, and its descendants, are hidden from the user, but they're what the browser will actually render when it sees our tag

Shadow Boundary

Any HTML and CSS inside of the shadow root is protected from the parent document by an invisible barrier called the Shadow Boundary. The shadow boundary prevents CSS in the parent document from bleeding into the shadow DOM, and it also prevents external JavaScript from traversing into the shadow root.

Html Import



Have a look at a simple demo of component by shirly (@ShirlyFE) on CodePen.

<script async src="//assets.codepen.io/assets/embed/ei.js"></script>


A Guide to Web Components

Shadow DOM