This is a jewellery valuation software used to create valuation reports for selling jewellery, loan and insurance purposes. This software lets the user to create , modify and delete valuations. It lets the user to change market Rates on a daily basis. This software also contains a special feature which is auto valuation. This feature lets the valuer enter only amount or weight of the jewellery and it automatically creates a valuation using Items database.
- Python3
- PyQT5
- SQLite
- Password protected
- Admin can add multiple valuers and firms
- Admin can add daily changes in the market rates of jewels
- Valuer can add any type of Jewellery in the database which can be directly used during report creation
- Fast report generation with automatic calcualtions. User just have to enter the item and its weights. Rest is done by the system
- Generates reports in docx format
- Stores previous valuations and can modified later.
- Valuation Expert which can automatically generates valuation based on the total amount and different amount of gold,silver,etc. This uses a complex algorithm to generate a report which is not seen ever again.