
- Basic E-commerce Features- Product lists, Product Details, Cart, Checkout - Secure Card Payments / Cash payments - Admin Panel - Add/Edit Orders. Add/Edit Products - Sorting, Filtering, and Pagination queries using Mongoose - Authentication with Passport JS strategies Order Emails, Reset Password Emails User Profile and user orders

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🔗 Welcome to the MERN Ecommerce App! This full-stack application is built using the MERN stack and do all of your basic functionality as all e-commerce have.


Tech Stack 📚

  • A complete MERN stack project.


Setup 🛠

Prerequisites :

  • Make sure you have the LTS version of Node installed.
  • Install git for version control.
  • Install MongoDB locally. (Resource)

Installation :

  • Step 1: Fork this repo.
  • Step 2: Clone your forked version of this repo locally. To clone, go to your command line / terminal, cd over to an appropriate directory and type in git clone https://github.com/<your username>/url-shortener.git.
  • Step 3: cd client-app
  • Step 4: While in the client-app directory, install the frontend dependencies using npm install or yarn.
  • Step 5: cd server
  • Step 6: While in the server directory, instlal the backend dependencies using npm install.
  • Step 7: Add the .env file in your server-app and add CONNECTION_STRING.
  • Step 8: Go to MongoDB atlas and create your DB and use the connection string.
  • Step 9: Go inside the server-app directory and run the backend server using npm start or using nodemon - npm run dev. The backend server will start on localhost:5001.
  • Step 9: While backend server is still running, open a new tab on the terminal and cd client-app.
  • Step 10: Finally start the react app using npm start. The app will start on port 3000 which can be accessed through http://localhost:3000/.

Note :

  • Don't forget to close all the running servers before closing the terminal/ command line.
  • Close all the running servers by visiting to every tab of the terminal the server is running on.
  • To close a running server use ctrl+c.

If you like this project do show some love by giving this repo a 🌟.


MIT © Shiv

Developer 😎

Made with ❤ by Shiv.

Features User authentication (signup, login, logout) Create, edit, and delete products by admin only. add to cart view cart login sgiup also

Technologies MongoDB: Database to store user information, posts, and comments. Express.js: Backend framework to handle HTTP requests and manage routes. React: Frontend library for building user interfaces. Node.js: JavaScript runtime for server-side development. Socket.io: Enables real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication. JWT (JSON Web Tokens): Securely transmit information between parties as a JSON object. Bcrypt.js: Hashing passwords before storing them in the database. Redux: State management for React. Fetch: HTTP client for the browser and Node.js. Tailwind CSS: React component library for a consistent and customizable UI.