To compile all programs, run following command in root directory of submission where Makefile file is present
make build
After running make build command, object(.o) files related to source (.c) file can be located in their respective directories i.e. in directory
For Question 1a
For Question 1b
To clean up the directories, run command
make clean
First go to directory solution1/1a using command:
cd solution1/1a/
It has two files namely: a4q1a_int.c and a4q1a_char.c
gcc a4q1a_int.c -o a4q1aint
This will make an executable file named a4q1aint
gcc a4q1a_char.c -o a4q1achar
This will make an executable file named a4q1achar
./a4q1aint cmd1.txt
(This will ask the commands from user and user can end giving input using ctrl+D)
./a4q1achar cmd2.txt
(Similar as ./a4q1aint)
The commands available are:
- a = append with syntax:
a key value for a4q1a_int.c
a string for a4q1a_int
- p = push similar to a but the command will contain p instead of a
- rem_first
- rem_last
- rem_small
- rem_large
- empty
- size
- print_all
- print_sort