
This is a side project I've been working on. A full stack expense spliting app - splitwise clone made using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React & Nodejs), specially designed to split group expense between friends. With this application, you can add your expense details and get an whole expense analytics feature - Group Balance, Monthly amount spend, Catagory wise expense spending graph etc.

Key Features

  • Create user groups and track group expense
  • Keep track of shared expenses and settle your corresponding balances in a convenient and personalized way.
  • Get Analytical graphs to understand your expenditure trend
  • Multiple user registration.
  • Authentication using JSON web token (JWT)

Technologies used

This project was created using the following technologies.


  • React JS
  • Redux (for managing and centralizing application state)
  • Axios (for making api calls)
  • Material UI (for User Interface)
  • Gravitar (for user profile picture)


  • Express
  • Mongoose
  • JWT (For authentication)
  • bcryptjs (for data encryption)



Configuration and Setup

In order to run this project locally, simply fork and clone the repository or download as zip and unzip on your machine.

  • Open the project in your prefered code editor.
  • Go to terminal -> New terminal (If you are using VS code)
  • Split your terminal into two (run the client on one terminal and the server on the other terminal)

In the first terminal

$ cd client
$ npm install (to install client-side dependencies)
$ npm start (to start the client)

For setting up backend

  • cd create a .env file in the root of your directory.
  • Supply the following credentials

Create your mongoDB connection url, which you'll use as your MONGODB_URI

Provide some random key in ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET or you could generate one using node enter the below command in the terminal to genrate a random secret key

In the second terminal (*in the project root directory (back-end))

$ npm install (to install server-side dependencies)
& npm start (to start the server)