- EDA - Temporal Heatmaps | 2. CO2 reduction | 3. Passenger Prediction | 4. Cab Clusters
The repo contains four notebooks:
: The notebook states the business objectives and contains basic EDA and preprocessing of dataset. -
: The notebook explores the first task of estimating yearly CO2 emission reduction caused due to unoccupied cabs.- The notebook explores how to calculate the
(vectorized haversine) between two coordinates - Does more advanced EDA with trip duration and distances, ultimately finds and removes outliers
- remove cabs with very high (or low) speeds
- The notebook explores how to calculate the
: Notebook takes the processed data and builds a model for taxi drivers to predict location of next passengers. -
: This notebook attempts to find cab clusters using ML and domain knowledge.- Uses advanced geoplotting to visualize the solution (notebook 0.)
- Segregates profit-making, under-utilized, efficient and liability cab drivers