Its an ecommerce website where you can buy all type of body products. User can use it on their any type of devices.
Hi, we as a team of 5 members studied from Masai School, learning full stack development and this project was built by us in cunstruct week to put all the skills in practice. All team members name:
- Shivam Moudgil
- Shrikant Jawla
- Onkar Deshmukh
- Tarun Kumar Sao
- Zuhed Shaikh
Home page you can login, If you choose remember me option logined Session will be kept for more than a week or else admin will we logged out as soon as saved cookies will expire.
- revenue of this year as well as increase/decrease as per the last year.
- Total quantity for current year as well as increase/decrease as per last year.
- orders pending.
- orders delevered.
- Daily sale for this month
- Daily quantity sold for this month
- Sort by price, quantity, and rating.
- You can the see details of any item by clicking on eye icon.
- You can the edit the details of any item by clicking on eye pencil icon.
- You can the delete any item by clicking on eye trash icon.
- Filters by status, Order-date, Delivery-date.
- Sort by Quantity.
- You can the check the details of any purched item by clicking on eye eye icon.
- Client: Next Js, Chakra-UI for Styles.
- Server: Server Side rendering via Next Js,Next Js API, MongoDB for database, Cookies to authentication and authorization.
- Some other libraries: bcrypt, axios, jsonwebtoken, mongoose, Redux, next-redux-wrapper, redux-thunk, react-slick, recharts.
Token based authentication with cookies.
Maintaied MVC folder structure.
Each user has seprate data connected to his/her profile.
Used mongoDB to maintain the noSQL database.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Cosmetica
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev