A KMM application written whose buisness layer is written in Kotlin and front end written in Jetpack Compose and Swift UI

Tech Stack

  • Kotlin

  • Coroutines

  • Flow for asynchronous.

  • Dagger-Hilt (alpha) for dependency injection.

  • JetPack Components

  • Material Design Components

  • Navigation UI

  • Architecture (Android)

    • MVVM Architecture
    • Clean pattern
    • Single activity Pattern
  • Architecture (iOS)

    • MVVM Architecture

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Issues and Contribution

WatchOS is still under progress but I will take PRs for that.

Project Maintainers

This project is founded and actively maintained by Shivam Dhuria.

Dog Api

Original dataset taken from the the Stanford Dogs Dataset. Logo thanks to NotKnifoon. Dog Api provides hundreds of free pictures of dogs.



  • SQLDelight