
This is a custom api for most popular render engine like Octane\Redshift\Arnold in Cinema 4D, which is also wiil contains in 'boghma' library.

All the boghma plugins and boghma library is FREE.


To use this library, you have two options:

  1. Download the source and import it to your Cinema 4D
  2. (Not Ready Now) You can also download Boghma Plugin Manager and install any plugin, the boghma lib will auto installed.


  • Due to Otoy use a custom userarea for the node editor, and don't support python. We can not get the selection of the node edtor, so it is not possible to interact with node editor.
  • Redshift and Arnold material helper only support NodeGragh, so the Cinema 4D before R26 is not support.
  • AddChild() and AddTextureTree() will return a not auto-layout node network now.
  • GetID() is broken, wait Maxon fix it, GetParamDataTypeID() can not get vector id


Class Presentation

  • NodeGraghHelper : helper class for Cinema 4D NodeGragh.
  • TexPack : helper class to get texture data.
  • methods : helper functions.
    • get_all_nodes
    • get_nodes
    • get_tags
    • get_selection_tag
    • get_materials
    • get_texture_tag
    • select_all_materials
    • deselect_all_materials

octane (Beta)

  • octane_id : unique ids for octane object, and name map of aovs.
  • octane_helper : all the helper class and function.
    • methods
    • VideoPostHelper (class)
    • AOVData (class)
    • AOVHelper (class)
    • NodeHelper (class)
    • MaterialHelper (class)
    • SceneHelper (class)

redshift (Beta)

  • redshift : unique ids for redshift object, and name map of aovs.
  • redshift_helper : all the helper class and function.
    • methods
    • VideoPostHelper (class)
    • RedshiftAOVData (class)
    • AOVHelper (class)
    • MaterialHelper (class)
    • RSMaterialTransaction (class)
    • SceneHelper (class)

arnold (not ready now)

  • arnold : unique ids for arnold object, and name map of aovs.
  • arnold_helper : all the helper class and function.
    • methods
    • VideoPostHelper (class)
    • AOVData (class)
    • AOVHelper (class)
    • MaterialHelper (class)
    • SceneHelper (class)

Version & Updates

  • 0.1.0

    • octane_helper and node_helper is beta now. (update@2023.06.30)
  • 0.1.1

    • redshift_helper is beta now. (update@2023.07.04)
    • add undo to octane_helper and fix some typing mistakes.
    • add GetFileAssetUrl and GetFileAssetStr to node_helper.
    • fix some decision and add some desciption.
  • coming soon...