
it is a movie search app where we can search for a movie irrespective of languages and get several details like language, runtime, imdb rating, etc.. built using javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movie Search App

search for a movie and get various details of it.


  1. Components:
    • Home
      • Landing: after typing a movie name and till it fetch the name spinner is made used.
      • Movie: here i have listed the several details like runtime, language, etc.. to be displayed on client side.
      • MovieCard: It is a card on which movie name is displayed.
      • SearchForm: where we can search for a movie
    • Layout
      • Navbar
      • Footer
      • Spinner: design of spinner like width, margin, display etc..
  2. Dependies:
    • npm i axios react-redux react-router-dom
      • axios: for requesting API calls,
      • react-redux: It is a Library for managing React application state.
      • react-router-dom: A router allows your application to navigate between different components, changing the browser URL, modifying the browser history, and keeping the UI state in sync.
  3. In order to run in pc install the packages and npm start
  4. Inorder to make your app live deploy it using netlify or heroku.
  5. Happy Coding!!

Movie-info-1 Movie-info-2