
In this project, the code will check whether the connected Wi-Fi is allowed based on the MAC address. If the MAC address does not match any of the verified MAC addresses, the code will send an email to the device administrator with the MAC address of the connected Wi-Fi, the location of the device, the IP address, and the profile name of the Wi-Fi.

Primary LanguagePython

Project Title

In this project, the code will check whether the connected Wi-Fi is allowed based on the MAC address. If the MAC address does not match any of the verified MAC addresses, the code will send an email to the device administrator with the MAC address of the connected Wi-Fi, the location of the device, the IP address, and the profile name of the Wi-Fi.

API Reference

Get IP Address

Parameter Type Description
content-type string application/octet-stream
X-RapidAPI-Key string Required. Your API key
X-RapidAPI-Host string ip-address-tracker-free.p.rapidapi.com

Returns a dictionary containing IP Address



Notification Screenshot

Email Screenshot


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