
A project which discusses the relevant details of building a twitter clone from scratch. It also has a demo TweetBox Front-End Element built with React and Material-UI.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A project which discusses the relevant details of building a twitter clone from scratch. It also has a demo TweetBox Front-End Element built with React and Material-UI.

  1. What technologies would you use to build out this platform? Please tell us the languages, databases, tools / servers you would use to build out the above platform.

Languages, Databases, Tools to be used :

Front-End : ES6 and React

ES6 is the latest update to the JavaScript and all the current browsers have full support to ES6. So it would be safe building things in ES6 instead of vanilla JS due to a list of highly effective and efficient features such as Arrow Functions, String Interpolations.

React is Declarative and is helpful with a UI which will can efficiently update and render just the right components when the data changes hence reducing the overhead. It is component based and makes the perfect use of the principle of Divide and Rule. Not only does it help in easy management for all components but gives the ability to make complex UIs without any difficulty.

Database : NoSQL (MongoDB, Cassandra etc.)

The reason to use NoSQL would be due to it's NoSQL Implementation. It has an upper edge over the Relational DB systems such as MySQL. It is a much more suitable option for teams using agile sprints and is highly scalable. It's advantages are :

  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Quick Schema Iterations
  • Integrated Caching which can help with raw tweet data
  • Highly Scalable
  • Dynamic Schemas
  • Object Oriented API's used for Data Manipulations

Server :


Tools :

  1. Docker : Container Platform to build and manage product
  2. Grunt/Gulp : Automation of Front-End tasks such as Unit-Testing, Minification, Optimisations.
  3. Bower : For Front-End Package Management
  4. Content Delivery Network (CloudFlare/AWS etc.)
  5. GraphQL : Data Query and Manipulation (offers freedom of defining the structure of the data required, and exactly the same structure of the data is returned from the server)
  6. NodeJS : To support packages built over node (gulp etc.) and to run JS on server-side.
  7. ExpressJS : Compatible with MongoDB (NoSQL DB) and provides a minimal interface and many features to build the product.
  8. SSL/TLS : Server Security
  9. Firewalls : Server Security

  1. Write the schema of your database that is going to store the data. We want to see this in detail to see where the all the different information will be stored

The Schema is as mentioned below (The Description Column is to explain the Property, it isn't actually a part of the schema) :

USER_ID Unique User ID
PASSWORD Hashed Password
USERNAME Unique User Name
NAME Name of the User
DATEOFBIRTH Date of Birth of the User
LOCATION Location of User
BIO Description of User
FOLLOWERS List of Followers
FOLLOWING List of Following
TWEET_COUNT Number of tweets Published
TWEET_LIST List of tweets Published
TIMEZONE TimeZone of User
DOES_EXIST Bool Vale, true If user is registered
PROFILE_URL URL to user's profile
TWEET_ID Unique Tweet ID
TEXT Tweet content
USERNAME Unique User Name of Publisher
USER_ID ID of Publisher
DATE Date of Publish
TIME Time of Publish
LOCATION Location while Publishing
IMAGE Tweet Picture URL
MENTION_COUNT Count of mentions in tweet
MENTION_LIST List of mentioned users in tweet
RETWEET_COUNT Count of Retweets
LIKES_COUNT Count of Likes
COMMENTS_LIST List of Comments
COMMENT_DATA List of Comments Data
TWEET_URL Public URL of Tweet
IMPRESSIONS Count of impressions
ACTIONS List of Count of actions
TWEET_ID Unique Tweet ID
PROFILE_VIEWS Count of Profile Views
FOLLOWS Count of New followers
RETWEET_COUNT Count of Retweets
LIKES_COUNT Count of Likes
USERNAME Unique User Name of User
USER_ID ID of User
PROFILE_URL URL to user's profile
BIO Description of User
LATEST_TWEET Content of Latest Tweet by the user
USERNAME Unique User Name of User
USER_ID ID of User
PROFILE_URL URL to user's profile
BIO Description of User

  1. Write a function/API that will return all the tweets to show on the dashboard of a particular user. Please make sure to return the data in JSON.

Code :

const api = "api.xyz.com" //API URL

let token="" // token to request data from API

// API headers 
const headers = {
 'Accept': 'application/json',
 'Authorization': token

//function to fetch tweets
export const get = (user_id) =>
 fetch(`${api}/${user_id}/${user_tweets}`, { headers }) //dummy API URL
   .then(resultData => resultData.json()) //fetches and converts data to JSON

  1. How much can the system you have built scale up to? What are the limiting factors of your system and when will it start failing?

The Front-End Stack is built with React and it is known to be one of the most influencing library to be developed. Not only does it increase Reusability, it makes good use of new features of ES6. So, we have built an ecosystem of resolving UI-building challenges, using React.

MongoDB can handle a huge 100,000+ Database read, writes per second, can store 1 billion+ documents in the database which is more than sufficient to handle huge a user base replicating that of twitter provided that the servers are equipped to tackle DDOS Attacks and everything works under ideal conditions.

Ideally, the stack should be able to handle all the product laod and not fail.

  1. write the frontend code for the text box where you can type your tweet and the submit button that will send the request to publish this tweet.

The code for the text box is written using ES6 and React. To run the code Locally :

  • Clone/Download This Repo.
  • Run npm install in the directory
  • Run yarn start This will serve the app on localhost.

The repo is also hosted at : http://shivangbhandari.me/TweetBeat/