
EasyLearn is a platform built for both- the students and the teachers. EasyLearn is an entire learning experience where students and teachers can interact and grow together.With tools like attentiveness trackers and closed captions for lessons, EasyLearn provides a solution which is easy, smart and interactive, promoting comprehensive e-learning for all.

Tech stack:

  • Node js
  • Express js
  • EJS
  • HTML, CSS and Javascript


  • Google Chrome browser (won't work on firefox, chromium based browser)
  • Git
  • Node package manager(npm)
  • Text editor/IDE (VScode)
  • VideoSDK developer account


  • Downlaod this repo by opening the terminal and type: git clone https://github.com/rajssnbeme/easylearn.git
  • Go to the meeting.html file and add your VideoSDK api-key to enable the video conferencing feature.
  • You can view the VideoSDK documentation by accessing the following link: - https://docs.videosdk.live/prebuilt/guide/prebuilt-video-and-audio-calling/getting-started
  • Type npm i in the terminal to download the packages
  • Open another terminal in the same project folder and type the following:
    npm install -g live-server
    live-server --port=8000
  • Run npm start in the first terminal to start the server
  • The server will start in port 5000 and can be accessed by http://localhost:5000

Sample Screenshots:

image image image image image image