GO CRUD Rest API using Mux, Postgres, Docker, and Docker Compose

I have created a GO CRUD Rest API which keeps account of Mens 100m Race using,

  • Mux (Framework to build web servers in Go)

  • Postgres (relational database)

  • Docker (for containerization)

  • Docker Compose


I have created 5 endpoints for basic CRUD operations,

  • Create

  • Read all

  • Read one

  • Update

  • Delete

Here are the steps I went through:

  • Create a Go application using Mux as a framework


  • Dockerize the Go application writing a Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml file to run the application and the database.



  • Run the Postgres database in a container using Docker Compose, and test it with TablePlus.


  • Build the Go App image and run it in a container using Docker Compose, then test it with Postman.


With this our GO CRUD Rest API using Mux, Postgres, Docker, and Docker Compose has been created