Development approach and steps to run the app.


  • You’ll need to have Node >= 10.16 and npm >= 5.6 on your machine.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Steps to run the app locally:-

  • Clone the repository
  • change the directory to project directory by running cd rivert-assignment
  • run npm install to install the neccessary node modules
  • run npm start to start the local server
  • open a browser and head over to localhost:3000 or the local url can be viewed in the terminal in the result of previous command.

Development approach

The development of the project was divided into 5 parts:-

  • Create a react app using create-react-app. Initialize the project with a simple responsive card layout using bootstrap.
  • Call the api usin the fetch method and display the data inside the cards.
  • Add tilt effect to the cards. Used react-tilt npm packege for titl.js. This package is speciffically mentioned on the tilt.js github page for using tilt,js in a react app.
  • Add the particle.js Background. Used react-particle-js npm package.