In this WebApp, I've built the Frontend of a Website using Reactjs and TailwindCSS. I have also used react-typed package which helps in creating a Typing Design. The Website is fully Responsive with a Modern UI. So, just use it and have fun!
Use the
to get started.
The Tech Stacks used are:
To get started, first of all go to the official site of TailwindCSS and copy the CDN Links then proceed by pasting them in your html file.
After pasting the CDN Links, we will be using various features of tailwindCSS like hover, cards, responsiveness, etc.
TailwindCSS Website
CDN Links
<script src=""></script>
CDN Links
<script src=",typography,aspect-ratio,line-clamp"></script>
Reactjs Website
react-typed NPM Package
Name: Shivank Kapur -
Project Link: