Welcome to Dr. Thomas E. Love's 432 course in Spring 2020 at Case Western Reserve University.
When and Where?
- Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 PM to 2:15 PM in Room E321-323 in the Robbins Building at the School of Medicine.
- Classes meet as listed on the Course Calendar. Our first session will be on Tuesday 2020-01-14.
Key Links
- The Course Calendar serves as the final word for all deadlines and provides links for all classes and deliverables.
- Each Class has an associated README page (here's Class 1) linked from the Course Calendar.
- The README is where we'll start each session, and where you'll find the slides Dr. Love presents.
- The Course Syllabus includes information on me, and on the teaching assistants.
- Dr. Love's Course Notes will be edited and posted as the semester progresses.
- The Spring 2019 version is still available, but I provide no guarantees.
- Data and Code for the course.
- Instructions regarding Software and R Packages.
- The R-Basics page contains several examples in Cleaning Data and Coding Analyses in R designed to help you with this course's assignments, particularly the first project. The main PDF here is about 60 pages long, so there's a lot of material to review.
- The References page links to supplemental readings and related materials, including several online texts.
- The website for my Fall 2019 431 course will stay up through April.
- The Homework page provides details on the homework assignments.
- The Projects page provides details on the two course projects you'll complete.
- The Quizzes page provides details on the quizzes you'll take.
Deadlines for all deliverables are specified exclusively at the Course Calendar.
Getting Help
- Once the class begins, email
431-help at case dot edu
to get in touch with Dr. Love and the teaching assistants. We WANT to hear from you! - Details on Teaching Assistants and their Office Hours are in the Syllabus and at the bottom of the Course Calendar.
- TA office hours are open to all - just drop in!
- Dr. Love holds office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, by appointment. To make an appointment, email him directly at
thomas dot love at case dot edu
. - Don't forget that the R-basics page provides numerous examples in data cleaning, data management, and coding analyses in R.
Stuff from before the class started
- After the first class, most questions and other feedback should be sent to Dr. Love and the Teaching Assistants via email:
431-help at case dot edu
. - Prior to the first class, or to contact Dr. Love individually, email
thomas dot love at case dot edu
What Should I Do Prior to the First Class?
Buy The Art of Statistics: How to Learn from Data by David Spiegelhalter.
- We'll read the entire book this Spring, but I encourage you to read Chapters 1-5 soon.
- The book is available online for less than $25 in hardcover, and less than $20 as an e-book. Amazon link.
- Here's the book's website which contains code, corrections and other materials.
Install the Software: Install R (version 3.6.2 or later) and RStudio (version 1.2.5033 or later) and some necessary R packages. Details here.
Materials will continue to appear on the web in fits and starts all semester. Take a look at what's already up.
Staying Sharp over the Break
The best thing to do is analyze some data. I can think of no better place to keep sharp than working on some of the Tidy Tuesday projects and I hope to spend some time on this myself over the break. There's a new data set every week!
- For instance, the data for the week of 2019-12-03 involves parking violations in the city of Philadelphia.
- Here's the complete list of 2019 data sets to date.
- David Robinson's video series continues on YouTube.