
authorised routes to access logs

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Please use:

  • node (can be LTS of current)
  • yarn
  • jest

Mandatory requirement is to publish the application in one of the popular hosting services e.g. Heroku, AWS, etc

Seeding database

Seeds are located in data/users.json. The format is tightly coupled with mongodb, but feel fre to adjust it and use it in the DB of your choice.

Log file

Sample log file is located in data/events.log


Part 1

Your task is to create a micro service application that will allow authorized requests to read logs processed by the application server.

Additional information:

  • The credentials are in the users.json file in the data folder in this repository
  • For the purposes of the application, we use the generated events.log file with samples located in the data folder in this repository. The structure of the logs looks like this:

example log entry:

timestamp UUIDv4 type message
1584969745903 eab576a7-ea7f-4ce1-acfb-4e97d3a4a5bb warn AccessDenied: You are not authorize

Implement the following requests:

  1. The ability to download the entire list of logs or specific range from/to based on timestamp
  authorization-token: String (UUIDv4)
  GET /public/logs?from=...&to=...
      uuid:    String (UUIDv4)
      time:    String (format ISO)
      type:    String (info|warn|error)
      message: String
  Status: 200
  1. The possibility to find a specific entry with a given UUID

  authorization-token: String (UUIDv4)
  GET /public/logs/:uuid
    time:    String (format ISO)
    type:    String (info|warn|error)
    message: String
  Status: 200
  1. The ability for admin user to create a new one (non-admin) with a list of permissions (only read and create permissions should be possible)
  authorization-token: String (UUIDv4)
  POST /internal/users
    username:    String
    permissions: [String] (read|create)
    username:    String
    token:       String   (UUIDv4)
    permissions: [String] (read|create)
  Status: 201

There will be evaluated whether:

  • your solution realizes task assumptions
  • your code is consistent or using a linter
  • app is covered to the point we may assume you know how to write specs
  • you avoid a procedural code
  • requests are properly handled
  • git log structure is consistent
  • project structure is well thought out
  • exceptions are properly handled
  • inputs are validated

You may also gain extra points if your solution will be somehow extraordinary and will use best practices

Part 2

The management decided to dockerize the application. Your task is to prepare the application from task #1 so that it works in development environment in the Docker container.

We want to be able to change the database connection string depending on the environment (development/test)

The result should be a script that will allow:

  • run a working application server in the container
  • run application tests in the container

e.g. with the help of docker-compose

There will be evaluated whether:

  • your solution realizes task assumptions
  • npm modules are cached properly during docker image building
  • environment variables are passed correctly

You may also gain extra points if your solution will be somehow extraordinary and will use best practices