Numbers for Spotify

Spotify statistics app that provides a crossplatform, aesthetic way to check your top listened artists, songs and genres in different periods.

License: MIT

To do

  • Add top artists/songs collage generator
  • Fix left TypeScript errors/warnings
  • Add i18n and Polish language support
  • Create a splashart and an icon

Bug reporting, contributing

If you have found any bug, or would like to contribute to the project, feel free to open an issue or create a PR.



Create an app in Spotify's Web API dashboard and add your redirect URI (You can check out the Expo documentation here).

Run the /api/spotify-credentials endpoint. To do this, you have to install the dependencies yarn install, put your Spotify ClientId and ClientSecret in a .env file, and then deploy it or run locally (yarn start). You can find the necessary files in the ./server folder.

Install project dependencies

yarn install

Run the project

yarn start

For more information check the official Expo documentation.


The code of the project is published under MIT license.