Clone the repository
git clone
cd finance_tracker
Check your Ruby version
ruby -v
The ouput should start with something like ruby 3.0.3
If not, install the right ruby version using rvm (it could take a while):
rvm install 3.0.3
Install dependencies
Using Bundler, Yarn and Node.js
install yarn
install node.js
bundle exec rake webpacker:install
Initialize the database
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
Add heroku remotes
Using Heroku CLI:
heroku git:remote -a finance_tracker
heroku git:remote --remote heroku-staging -a finance_tracker-staging
rails s
With Heroku pipeline (recommended)
Push to Heroku staging remote:
git push heroku-staging
Go to the Heroku Dashboard and promote the app to production or use Heroku CLI:
heroku pipelines:promote -a finance_tracker-staging
Directly to production (not recommended)
Push to Heroku production remote:
git push heroku