Carbon Emission Tracker

The Carbon Emission Tracker is a tool designed to help individuals measure, manage, and reduce their carbon emissions. It combines user input to calculate CO2 emissions, set personalized reduction targets, provide sustainability tips, and offer options to offset emissions through verified environmental projects.


1. Emissions Calculation

Automatically calculates CO2 emissions based on transportation modes, travel frequency, and dietary choices using GPS tracking and user input.

2. Personalized Targets

Sets monthly emission reduction targets aligned with global goals to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

3. Sustainability Tips

Provides practical advice on reducing carbon footprints through lifestyle changes like less meat consumption and more sustainable travel options.

4. Offset Projects

Offers options to support verified carbon offset projects that compensate for the user's emissions.

How It Work

1.User Profile: Users create an account and provide information about their lifestyle to set a baseline for their emissions.

2.Tracking: The app uses users input of starting and end point of distance to track travel and estimate emissions in real-time, with data encryption to ensure privacy.

3.Insights: Users receive insights into their carbon footprint, including a breakdown of emissions from different activities. Offsetting: At the end of each month, users can choose to offset their emissions by funding certified environmental projects.


1.Awareness: Increases awareness of one's impact on the environment. Actionable Data: Provides data-driven insights to make informed decisions about reducing emissions.

2.Positive Impact: Encourages a sustainable lifestyle and supports global efforts to combat climate change. Such a tracker would be a valuable asset for anyone looking to understand and reduce their environmental impact.