
DLUX distributed deterministic finite state automata. Built for HIVE to take advantage of free transactions using multi-sig and escrow for security.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


This is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization built on the HIVE ecosystem.


This software builds a network of peers that use HIVE to post and interpret transactions. This allows these peers to come to a consensus and elect peers to run tasks. Distributing computing in this way allows a vast amount of potential applications, DeFi, and oracle services. By distributing authority to perform transactions we can have a frictionless(no intermediate tokens, no central authority, no intrinsic fees) way to cross asset boundaries(HIVE/OPEN_TOKEN) with no information asymmetries, ie Finance without securities by definition... just free speech: As no party is required to perfom any function, or prevented from performing any function, no promises are made by peers. Network Incentives (OPEN-TOKEN) alone are enough to maintain trust.

These features are currently working and being tested for 0.9.0a:

  • Send: Use custom_json with active permission, "ACJ" to send OPEN_TOEK tokens
  • Illiquid voting state. Power up and down OPEN_TOKEN for voting and delegation with ACJ
  • Illiquid governance token for determining consensus and collateral.
  • Chron to execute virtual operations: expire trades, powerdown stake, enforce penalties.
  • Hive posts that benefit the configured account at > the configured % are:
    • entered into a voting eligible content pool
    • optionally have their IPFS content pinned with rtrades(3rd party service)
    • can be programmed for any other function
  • Users can vote on content with weight, using custom json with posting permissions.
  • Have a daily pool of 10 full votes, and 1 in 10000 fine control of voting stake.
  • State is saved to IPFS every 5 minutes for fast automatic starts and restarts, also used to determine consensus
  • LevelDB with custom transactional handlers for transactional writes
  • JSON express server API
  • Token sales from the configured account with HIVE transfers
  • Token sales set with pricing feedback.
  • 2/3rds consensus algorithm
  • automatic messaging to join network ad-hoc
  • ability to delete node from list(turn off escrow queue)
  • report consensus
  • distribute OPEN_TOKENS to configured account delegators and keep running total
    • Used for auto voting on content with delegation
  • pay nodes for processing trusted state, facilitating an escrow/dex transaction or running a smart contract.
    • Effectively mining OPEN_TOKENS with Hive Resource Credits
  • establishes a 5%(configurable) inflation rate and distributes rewards to run the network
  • Automated accounting post from configured account or mirrors
  • Track interactions on a rolling feed via block_num and TXID.
  • Automates IPFS pinning for OPEN_TOKEN votable content from configured account or mirrors
  • 2 way DEX
    • On state trade history with daily reductions to high/low/volume
    • Price/collateral controls from Volume Weighted Moving Average
    • Enforcement of collateral

These features are works in progress:

  • Partial fills of DEX orders 1.0.0
  • Multi-signature deterministic control of community capital 1.0.0
  • Ban nodes to discourage bad action 1.0.0
  • Smart contracts to build IPFS market 1.1
  • Smart contract to build account creation token market 1.1
  • NFT/smart contract system with fetch and consensus ie. distributed computer 1.1

Bounty and PenTest

If you're tech savvy help us test this. There are currently roughly 12M Tokens in DLUX Any major breach will be rolled back and/or corrected with the breacher earning a maximum of 5,000 DLUX. Gains that can be made less than 5000 DLUX can be kept. Any users accounts are guaranteed. All tokens distributed from this bounty will be from already minted tokens. Any critical(balance altering) pull requests will earn 2500 DLUX. Any non-critical(halting - other) pull requests accepted by the deadline can earn upto 1000 DLUX. 1 bounty per bug (please fix all instances of found bug) Bounty ends on Feb 15th or the first 3 day period with no critical errors found. There are up to 750,000 DLUX up for bounties. (currently located in rc and rm, your pull request can alter these) in the following fashion:


var cleanState = data[1]
cleanState.balances.rc = cleanState.balances.rc - 2500000 //add these 2 lines
cleanState.balances.yourhiveaccount = cleanState.balances.yourhiveaccount + 2500000
store.put([], cleanState, function(err) {

After merge and 10 minutes the above lines will be removed, but your name will remain in the code forever.

This software is meant to be run as a public API for decentralized token data.

While it runs it verifies other nodes are operating correctly and confirms this by posting a customJson transaction to Hive. 288(configurable) messages will be required per day per node operator. More Resource Credits will be required to handle escrow transactions and transfers.

Deploy from heroku or similar and set ENV variables with a hive name and active key. Deploy from home computer for maximum account security.

  • account - dlux-io
  • active - active posting key (will run escrow transactions for rewards) !! caution while in testing !!
  • domain - https://<token-api>.<a-domain>.com or http://<static-ip>:<port>

Running A Node


  • This software has been tested on Node.js version 10 through 15
  • Node.js and git are required

Server Installation

  • Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/dluxio/dlux_open_token.git

  • Navigate to the root directory of token

cd dlux_open_token

  • Set configuration variables

nano .env or your favorite editor

username=hiveaccount active=hiveactivekey

  • Quit editor and save changes

  • Install

npm install

  • Start

npm start


  • Script a way to automatically git pull to stay up to date with daily changes.
  • Setup a system service to restart on quits to keep your node online.

Cloud Installation

  • Choose a cloud provider
  • Fork this repository
  • Connect your fork to the cloud server
  • Set configuration variables



To Build Your Own Token

Branch this and find this part of config.js


const starting_block = 49988008; //from what block does your token start

const prefix = 'dlux_' //Community token name for Custom Json IDs

const TOKEN = 'DLUX' //Token name

const tag = 'dlux' //https://the-front-end.com/`tag`/@`leader`/`permlink`

const jsonTokenName = 'dlux' //what customJSON in Escrows and sends is looking for

const leader = 'dlux-io' //Default account to pull state from, will post daily

const ben = 'dlux-io' //Account where comment benifits trigger token action

const delegation = 'dlux-io' //account people can delegate to for rewards

const msaccount = 'dac.escrow' //account controlled by community leaders

const mainAPI = 'token.dlux.io' //leaders API probably

const mainFE = 'dlux.io' //frontend for content

const mainIPFS = 'a.ipfs.dlux.io' //IPFS service

const mainICO = 'robotolux' //Account collecting ICO HIVE

Then alter the state.js with balances and other starting information