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React Jewish Date Picker

General Jewish Date Picker component that works with react and supports hebrew and english.

See also demo and documentation page.


yarn add react-jewish-datepicker

Or with npm

npm install react-jewish-datepicker --save

Import the css

import "react-jewish-datepicker/dist/index.css";

or with css

@import url("react-jewish-datepicker/dist/index.css");


TypeScript example:

import * as React from "react";
import {
} from "react-jewish-datepicker";
import "react-jewish-datepicker/dist/index.css";
import {
} from "jewish-dates-core";

export default function App() {
  const [basicJewishDay, setBasicJewishDay] = React.useState<BasicJewishDay>();
  const basicJewishDate: BasicJewishDate = {
    day: 13,
    monthName: JewishMonth.Elul,
    year: 5788

  return (
          onClick={(day: BasicJewishDay) => {

Edit react-jewish-datepicker-typescript-example

JavaScript example:

import * as React from "react";
import { ReactJewishDatePicker, BasicJewishDay } from "react-jewish-datepicker";
import "react-jewish-datepicker/dist/index.css";

export default function App() {
  const [basicJewishDay, setBasicJewishDay] = React.useState();
  return (
      value={new Date()}
      onClick={(day) => {

Edit react-jewish-datepicker-javascript-example


Prop name Description Value types
canSelect Accepts a function which determines whether a day is selectable (day: BasicJewishDay) => condition ? false : true
isHebrew Optional. Whether the view language is hebrew or english, Default is false false | true
isRange Optional. Allow to select date ranges. Default is false false | true
onClick Callback when a date is selected (day: BasicJewishDay) => console.log(day) | (startDay: BasicJewishDay, endDay: BasicJewishDay) => console.log(startDay, endDay)
value Optional. Initial selected date Date | BasicJewishDate | BasicJewishDateRange | DateRange

canSelect prop

The canSelect can take either a costum function or one of the build-in functions as follows.

dontSelectHolidays([isIsrael: boolean]) ⇒ (day: BasicJewishDay) => boolean

Takes isIsrael param and returns a function which in turn is passed to the canSelect prop, in order to prevent holidays (corresponding with isIsrael param) selection.

Param Type Default
isIsrael boolean false

See example here

dontSelectShabat(day: BasicJewishDay) ⇒ boolean

A function to be passed to the canSelect prop, in order to prevent shabat selection.

See example here

dontSelectShabatAndHolidays([isIsrael: boolean]) ⇒ (day: BasicJewishDay) => boolean

Takes isIsrael param and returns a function to be passed to the "canSelect" prop. combines dontSelectHolidays and dontSelectShabat in order to prevent both - shabat and holidays selection.

Param Type Default
isIsrael boolean false

See example here

dontSelectOutOfRange(minDate: Date | null, maxDate: Date | null) ⇒ (day: BasicJewishDay) => boolean

Takes min date and max date and returns a function to be passed to the "canSelect" prop, in order to prevent selection out of the supplied range.

You can pass a date only for one of the params and null to the other. In this case, the selectable range will be up to max date or from min date.

Param Type
minDate Date | null
maxDate Date | null

See example here

Helper Functions

addDates(date: BasicJewishDate | Date, numDays: number) ⇒ Date

a helper function for dontSelectOutOfRange.

Takes a BasicJewishDate object or a Date, adds a date interval (numDays) to the date and then returns the new date.

Param Type
date BasicJewishDate | Date
numDays number

See example here

subtractDates(date: BasicJewishDate | Date, numDays: number) ⇒ Date

a helper function for dontSelectOutOfRange.

Takes a BasicJewishDate object or a Date, subtracts a date interval (numDays) from the date and then returns the new date.

Param Type
date BasicJewishDate | Date
numDays number

See example here


To create a jewish date picker in vue.js or angular, see our core dependency.


If you only need the hebrew date convertor without a date picker you can use jewish-date.


License: MIT