
Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a microservice which provides a UI for reporting Capital Gains Tax on UK property (CGT). This service is written in Scala using the Play framework. It provides functionality to do the following:

  • subscribe to the CGT service
  • manage subscription details
  • fill in and submit CGT returns
  • amend a return which has been submitted online
  • pay any charges due

Subscription details and CGT returns are held in the Enterprise Tax Management Platform (ETMP) which is a HMRC back end system. Details are collected in this frontend microservice and then relayed on to ETMP via a backend microservice. Access to this service requires users to be logged in via Government Gateway. The service can be access in production here.

The service also allows agents to manage subscription details and submit returns on behalf of clients. An agent-client handshake has to have been completed before agents can perform such actions on behalf of clients. The handshake process is managed by a separate service. Users can also submit a return on behalf someone whilst logged into their own CGT account. In this case, the user is not an agent, but they are either capacitors, personal representatives, or they represent an estate of the property depending on whether the person being represented is deceased or not and if so whether the disposal of the property was made before after the person died.

The entry point into the service is the start endpoint GET /start. This will take you through the onboarding journey if the user logged in hasn't subscribed yet or it will take you to the account home page if the user has already logged in. In the code, this endpoint sets the initial JourneyState. JourneyState is a sealed trait which describes a particular journey, e.g. subscribing to CGT, filling out a return or viewing a return. It controls the pages a user can see and changes as needed as a user uses the service.


The onboarding journey consists of collection of user data to create a CGT account. The data collected are name, postal address and email address.

We attempt to automatically retrieve user details in ETMP using an identifier associated with the user's Government Gateway account. The API used to retrieve this data is called the Register with ID API. If we can retrieve the data, the retrieved details will be used as a baseline set of details the user can use to subscribe to CGT with. The user can choose to supply other details if they would like to subscribe to CGT with different details. This is known as the Register with ID route. If we cannot retrieve details then we manually capture the details to subscribe to CGT with. This is called the Register without ID route. This route is only available to non-UK residents.


Once a user has subscribed they will have the ability to submit returns. Broadly speaking, a return journey consists of the following:

  • answering a series of questions in an initial "triage" section. This section determines whether a user can use this service to report their CGT tax.
  • if we determine that the usr can use our service, they are presented with a list of tasks to do. This is called the " task list". Each task corresponds to different sections of the return which consist of questions the user will have to answer. Each section has a "check your answers" page where users can review their answers to the questions in that section.
  • once each task is complete, the user can check all their answers and submit the return

After the triage section has been completed, the return is saved as a draft return. While the return is incomplete and has not been sent, users can log out at any time and access the draft return via the account homepage for a set period of time. Any changes to return are automatically saved as the questions are answered.

After a user has submitted a return they will be able to view the return from the account home page and pay any tax due. They will also be able to amend the return if they wish to do so.

The questions in the return will depend on the number of assets that have been disposed of and the asset type(s). This results in different task lists depending on the type of journey.

In some returns we will be able to calculate the amount of tax due to help users. In these cases, we can display what we think the user owes and show how we did the calculation. The user can agree with the calculated figure or enter a different amount. In the cases where we cannot perform a calculation, the user will have to calculate it themselves and supply us with a figure.

Users can upload files to support their return if they wish to. If a user supplied their own figure of how much tax they owe then it is mandatory for them to upload a file to show how they calculated it.

How to run

Use sbt run in a terminal to run this service. This service runs on port 7020 by default.

The other services this service relies on can be run using the CGTPD_ALL service manager profile and stopping the CGTPD_FRONTEND service if you want to run this frontend service from source, e.g.:

sm2 --start CGTPD_ALL


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.