
Primary LanguagePython



I have three children. The yongest child is still a baby, but I don't have time to take care of her when I'm busy with elder siblings. In fact, for newborn babies, even just turning over and lying on their stomachs can be life-threatening due to suffocation. Therefore, it is very important to keep an eye on your baby to make sure he or she doesn't stay prone all the time.

About my project

I have created an application that monitors wheter the baby stays prone or supine on my behalf. This will make every day safe for the baby.

How to run


I confirm by the following environment.

  • Hardware
    • Jetson Nano Development Kit
    • Logicool Web Camera C270n
  • Software
    • JetPack 4.6

Advance preparations

Before starting this project, please set up your Jetson Nano according to the following information.

  • Install JetPack SDK
  • Detailed setup videos
  • Run the hello docker container

Clone github

$ cd
$ git clone https://github.com/Sho-N/BabyWatcher.git


This project runs on the docker container as described in Hello AI World.
Show how to run the sample.

# run the container
$ cd ~/jetson-inference
$ docker/run.sh --volume ~/jetson-inference/BabyWatcher:/BabyWatcher

# run sample in the container
$ sh /BabyWatcher/inference_sample.sh 

# set a video to monitor your baby

Data Collection

Take a video

To prepare data for training, I took a video of my little baby with a camera. We took some videos with different clothes and shooting locations.


We used CVAT as an annotation tool. It is easy to annotate even videos and can be exported in Pascal VOC format.

Merge datasets

For easy training, you can merge multiple datasets in Pascal VOC format into one. After that, the programm automatically split the dataset into training/validation. Please set multiple dataset created by CVAT in "src_dir".

merge_datasets.py --src_dir=./data/multiple_dataset --dst_dir=./data/merged_dataset


I ran a transfer learning on SSD-Mobilenet by using the merged dataset. However, it took too much time, so the model on GitHub have learned on a Google Colaboratory.

cd jetson-inference
cd python/training/detection/ssd
python3 train_ssd.py

After transfer learning, convert the model to onnx format.

python3 onnx_export.py --model-dir='models/BabyWatcher/'

Future Direction

Prepare a lot of learning data

  • Children grow up quickly
  • Need data from other children
  • Need more clothes, backgrounds, etc.

Data expansion

  • Data augmentations
  • and other ways...


  • I want to notify in some way after a certain period of time in a prone position.
  • I want to notify before baby goes out of camera frame. This is the main purpose why I use detection, not classification.
