French to English Machine Translation

French-to-English machine translator using transformer architecture. Implemented several transformer models using encoder block(s), decoder block(s), and multi-head attention layer. Evaluated translation results using BLEU score.

Sample translation results

Original French is: je ne suis plus un d butant .

Corresponding English is: i m no longer a rookie .

Translation is: i m not a beginner anymore .

Original French is: tout le monde parle de lui en bien .

Corresponding English is: he is well spoken of by everybody .

Translation is: he is fluent in love with him .

Original French is: elle est inqui te pour sa s curit .

Corresponding English is: she is anxious about her safety .

Translation is: she s worried about her safety .

Original French is: il part pour tokyo demain .

Corresponding English is: he s leaving for tokyo tomorrow .

Translation is: he is leaving for tokyo tomorrow .

Original French is: vous tes tir e d affaire .

Corresponding English is: you re off the hook .

Translation is: you re off the hook .

Original French is: c est un g nie des math matiques .

Corresponding English is: he is a mathematical genius .

Translation is: he is a genius in mathematics .

Original French is: vous tes puis es .

Corresponding English is: you re exhausted .

Translation is: you re exhausted .

Original French is: je ne suis pas votre servante .

Corresponding English is: i m not your maid .

Translation is: i m not your maid .

BLEU evaluation

Best performing model achieved the following metrics:

Metric Score
BLEU-1 .7903
BLEU-2 .6739
BLEU-3 .5548
BLEU-4 .4707