Docker container for ADS-B - This is the modesmixer2 component
This is part of a suite of applications that can be used if you have a dump1090 compatible device including:
- Any RTLSDR USB device
- Any network AVR or BEAST device
- Any serial AVR or BEAST device
Developer Webpage:
This is a multi architecture build that supports arm (armhf/arm64) and amd64
DUMP1090_SERVER=dump1090 -- make sure your dump1090 container is named this and on the same network
DUMP1090_PORT=30005 -- default port
Port 8080/tcp is exposed (web ui)
This is for the google maps
- DUMP1090_LAT - Decimal format latitude of your ADSB Antenna
- DUMP1090_LON - Decimal format longitude of your ADSB Antenna
docker run -d \
--restart unless-stopped \
--name='modesmixer2' \
shoginn/modesmixer2:latest \
--inConnectId dump1090:30005:DUMP1090 \
--inConnectId flightaware:30105:MLAT \
--location XXX:XXX \
--google-key XXXX
branch | Status |
master |