
Just a list of fancy questions I've been asked during interviews I had

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At some point in my professional career, I've been through an endless path of interviews. There were weeks when I had 4-6 offline interviews scheduled and that was not the limit I believe. There were some exceptions, but mostly they were quite standard: 15 minutes HR interview (we've got coffee machine and cookies), ~1h of the technical interview (what is the difference between abstract class and interface questions for an hour), your questions to the company and that's it. You get an offer, decline it and go for the next one.

My vision on interviews and why you should take those chances

I want to share how I approach my way to become a better engineer. I see technical interviews as an opportunity to improve my knowledge of the platform, engineering in general, market etc. If there were some questions I didn't know, then it was a good interview. I know where my gaps are and this knowledge comes almost for free. The only price I pay is my time and the stress I might experience during the whole process. However, I know what to learn next.

Attending each interview is stressful. Don't be scared - it's also stressful for an interviewer. Keep balance - don't let him put pressure on you remember the fact that an interviewer is not always the smartest person in the room. You can't be sure he asks you the right questions. You can't be sure he explains the right answers to you afterwards. He's also a human who might be mistaken. But excellence is achieved only with practice - having that in mind you can also start your interviews-journey. You should practice to feel always comfortable and confident during the interviews.

So, what is that?

I decided to arrange a list of fancy questions I've been asked during the interviews I had. They might be useful for you.

P.S. I don't really value theoretical questions, but most of the companies I've been to so far ask only those. The best questions are Computer Science fundamentals, practical application of algorithms. The best questions are live coding questions. They give you an insight whether a person is able to think in CS way and communicate thoughts to their team.

Data Structures

  • What is a priority queue?
  • What is a heap?
  • What is B-tree?
  • What is a 2-3-tree?
  • What is RB-tree? What is AVL-tree?
  • What is Set?
  • What are HashMap and HashSet? Difference between them
  • Implement a linked list during an interview
  • Implement a graph during an interview


  • Given a stream of Arabic numerals. Find the one that occurs maximum times.
  • Reverse a linked list during an interview
  • Convert a binary tree into a doubly linked list during an interview
  • Find a loop in a linked list during an interview
  • Sort an array of integers during an interview
  • Search an element in a sorted and shifted array during the interview (5, 6, 1, 2, 3)
  • What is in-place sorting algorithm?
  • Write an algorithm to rotate an image 90 degrees clockwise
  • What is NP problem? How to identify it?
  • What is O(n) notation? Come up with some examples
  • What is hash collision? What are the ways to handle it?
  • What is a good hash function?
  • Describe a Travelling Salesman Problem
  • What is dynamic programming?
  • What is memoization?
  • Find intersection between 3 sorted arrays: [2,6,7,8], [3,6,8,10], [4,5,6,8] => [6,8]

Coding Skills

  • OOP
  • OOP weaknesses
  • procedural/functional/ OO: can you describe them?
  • What is the value object? Why should you use them?
  • What is IoC?
  • What is Dependency Inversion?
  • What is Dependency Injection?
  • Why are interfaces important?
  • What is the difference between an exception and validation error? When exception should be thrown and when you should catch an exception?
  • Concurrency
    • Multithreading concepts
    • What is Thread? What is Task? What is Process?
    • What async/await does underneath?
    • Difference between optimistic and pessimistic concurrency models
    • Difference between being async and concurrent
    • Sync primitives - semaphore, mutex, monitor?
    • What is lock()? What is lock() underneath?
    • Describe a race condition with a real-world example
    • What are non-blocking/non-waiting algorithms?
    • Which types of threads do we have?
    • Where the threads come from?
  • Explain the concepts of coupling and cohesion and how they relate to maintainability. As a follow up, please explain afferent coupling and efferent coupling, and how those concepts fit above.
  • LINQ, lazy execution, EF limitations.
  • What is an ORM? Why is it useful and why not?
  • What is refactoring?
  • What is covariance? What is contravariance?
  • Implement a singleton during the interview
  • What is unsafe code? When should you use it?

Low-Level Programming

  • What is Garbage Collector? What problem it solves?
  • How Garbage Collector works? What are the steps?
  • GC Generations
  • What is non-deterministic finalization?
  • Explain weak references
  • Describe the process of memory allocation
  • IDisposable and Finalizer
  • How is using() construct useful? How can it result in resource leaks?
  • Stack/heap
  • Large object heap
  • SIMD
  • What are WebSockets? Where can you use them?
  • What is the difference between polling and long polling in sockets?


  • Design an Instagram
  • What are GoF design patterns? Why should you care?
  • What is the difference between IoC and service locator?
  • Name a few anti-patterns
  • What is MVC? Explain it using ASP.NET example. Define responsibilities.
  • What is MVVM? Define responsibilities for each component.
  • Layered architecture
  • Explain pub/sub to me
  • What is CQRS?
  • What is CQS and how it relates to CQRS?
  • What is a command in CQRS terms?
  • What is the difference between command and event?
  • What command handler is and what it does?
  • Which type of projects is the best to introduce CQRS?
  • Difference between stateful and stateless service.
  • What is the blue DDD book?
  • What is DDD?
  • What is domain model?
  • What is anemic domain model? Is it useful?
  • What is the bounded context? How to identify a bounded context? Describe the example of two bounded contexts in terms of the same domain.
  • What is the difference between a bounded context and a subdomain?
  • Aggregate, AggregateRoot, Entity, ValueObject - what are those? Describe difference between them
  • What is an ubiquitous language? Why is that important?
  • Immutability - what is that? Should commands or events be immutable?
  • What is saga? Come up with the real-world example to explain sagas.
  • What is event sourcing?
  • What is snapshotting in terms of event sourcing?
  • What is a projection?
  • What is AOP? Which parts of the system would you move to aspects?
  • Messaging patterns


  • What is CAP theorem?
  • Why CAP theorem is obsolete? Is it?
  • What is eventual consistency?
  • Is the use of GUID as IDs a good practice?
  • What is sharding?
  • What is partitioning?
  • How to design a good partitioning?
  • What is an index? Clustered/Non-clustered?
  • How much clustered indexes might be? What is clustered index physically?
  • Explain the difference between index seek and index scan
  • How can databases be replicated?
  • What is cold data and hot data?


  • What is unit test? Academic definition vs real world definition
  • What is the difference between unit/integration/automated test? Discuss examples
  • What is TDD?
  • What is BDD?
  • What is performance testing?
  • What is load testing?
  • What is smoke testing?
  • What is regression testing? Is that correct that benchmarking is a part of regression testing process?
  • What is chaos testing?



  • What motivates you?
  • What do you think of technical conferences/meetups? Are they important and why?
  • Why are you looking for a job?
  • Tell about your last project
  • What are you learning right now? Teach me this.
  • Last book you read
  • How much time do you need to start working full time for us?
  • What do you do when you get stuck on some problem for too long?
  • Tell me your 3 best/last failures
  • Describe what Human Resources means to you.
  • What is broken around you?
  • When was the last time when you did not agree with some blog post/book/video? What was that and why you did not agree?
  • When was the last time when you shared the knowledge with somebody else? Did you like it? Why did you do that?
  • Explain me your learning process, validation of the information and using it in practice.

What you can ask the company

Don't ask them if you just wanna make an impression because you will. And it's gonna be a freaking bad impression - asking by template without any enthusiasm. What I really like to do is to start doing 96 and after recruiter asked you "Where do you see yourself in 5 years" it's totally reasonable to ask where the company sees itself in 5 years.


  • What project I will start with? Describe the problem it solves. Describe the technical stack chosen, why it is like that and which tasks I will be asked to solve there.
  • Do you have any code review process?
  • What is the structure of environment I will be working in? Will I have managers attached to me and, if so, then how much? Who will provide me with the work to do?
  • Will I have an ability to communicate with the client side? How much time will I communicate in English everyday?
  • Which instruments does your company use for development? Is there any limitations?
  • What level of responsibilities will I have?


  • Why have you left your last company for this?
  • How do you train/ramp up engineers who are new to the team?
  • Who is your ideal candidate and how can I make myself more like them?
  • Describe what Human Resources means to you.
  • How do you find the best talents? Are you focused on acquiring the best ones?
  • Do you have shower to use at your place? Does anyone use it?
  • Do you have library at your place? Name a few books there.
  • Does project offers any business trips/onsites?
  • Do you have any teambuildings and what they look like?
  • Do you know anything about your employees hobbies? What they are interested in?
  • Do you have any internal tech talks to improve technical expertise of your employees? If so, who is in charge for that?
  • Do you use any time logging system?
  • Describe the paid vacations policy.
  • Describe the process of salary review/performance review. What are the factors included in forming my salary?
  • Do you have any competence matrix?
  • Will I be able to work remotely? If so, then how much time/month?
  • How flexible the schedule is?
  • How often will I have to over-time and how it's payed?
  • Which devices will I be provided to work with - laptops/PCs, monitors, smartphones for testings etc.
  • Do you provide any insurance? If so, describe it briefly.
  • Do you offer parking space for your employees? For car/bike.
  • Do you have any probationary period for new employees?
  • Do you have something like 13th salary or premiums?
  • What are some weaknesses of the organization?
  • What are the education opportunities?
  • How often are 1:1s conducted?
  • What opportunities are available to switch roles? How does this work?