Vue and React comparison study

Do you want to see how the same app looks and behaves in Vue and React?

Look no further! This repository is dedicated to discovering the differences in developing the same, rather simple, app in a sort of real world scenario.

Example screen of the app

The app consists of a search bar, details about a Pokemon and a list of your favourite Pokemon. The search bar is connected to the PokeAPI and it allows you to search for Pokemon by their name or ID. After you’ve searched for a Pokemon, you can see it’s stats and also add it to a list of your favourite Pokemon. Afterwards, you can remove a Pokemon from the said list.

I have used the following technologies/libraries (excluding Vue and React):

The idea is to have as close of a setup as I could manage for both repositories. That way we could focus on the different implementations and not so much on the differences between third party libraries.


I will go through the setup and the code and gather the differences in an article which I will link here. For now, you can have a look at the code for yourself.

Each of the projects have its own describing how to start the project.

Additional notes

The project was made using React Hooks and Vue 2. There would be much less to compare if Vue 3 was used, but since Vue 3 is still in the RC stage, I have decided against it.

The app was not intended to be the most complex app primarily because there is already an example of this.